

#KinomaJS Open Source README

This repository contains the source code and documentation of the Kinoma software platform. For a high-level overview of what you'll find here, see this document. Links to specific sections of this repository are provided below.

Additional resources, including our blog and developer forum, can be found on the Kinoma website.

##Build system

The build system for KinomaJS open source software supports building for Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Linux GTK, Embedded Linux, and Windows targets. The build system runs on Mac OS X (Yosemite and later), Windows (7+) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04).

<p align="center"> <img src="http://kinoma.com/img/github/osx.png" height="75" alt=""/> &nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="http://kinoma.com/img/github/iOS.png" height="75" alt=""/> &nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="http://kinoma.com/img/github/android.png" height="75" alt=""/> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="http://kinoma.com/img/github/linux.png" height="75" alt=""/> &nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="http://kinoma.com/img/github/windows.png" height="75" alt=""/> </p>


<!-- - [Building iOS apps](./build/ios/kinomajs-ios/kinomajs-ios.md): an in-depth explanation of how to build iOS apps using KinomaJS - [Kinoma Create Command Line Tools](./build/kinoma-create-command-line-tool/kinoma-create-command-line-tool.md): discusses the Kinoma Create command-line tool **kct6**, which is used to install, delete, and run JavaScript applications on Kinoma Create and Kinoma Element -->


Kinoma's XS6 library implements a JavaScript virtual machine optimized for devices with limited resources. This virtual machine conforms to the 6th edition of the ECMAScript specification (ECMAScript 2015).

The JavaScript application frameworks (discussed later in this document) used on Kinoma Create, Kinoma Element, desktops, and mobile devices are designed to run efficiently on top of XS6.


###Source code


xsbug is a full-featured debugger for developers building standalone KinomaJS applications, shells, and tools on all devices running XS. xsbug supports over-the-air debugging of concurrent targets running on different devices. Similar to other debuggers, xsbug supports setting breakpoints, browsing source code, the call stack and variables. For more information about xsbug refer to the xsbug documentation. Instructions for building xsbug are included in the platform-specific build instructions.

##KinomaJS application framework

<p align="center"> <img src="http://kinoma.com/media/press-images/img/KinomaJS-sm.jpg" height="150" alt=""/></p>

The KinomaJS application framework can be used to deliver applications on a wide range of consumer electronic products, including Kinoma Create, iOS and Android devices, and desktops. The primary programming interface to KinomaJS is a JavaScript API of global constructors, functions, and objects that define the containment hierarchy, appearance, behavior, and flow of applications and shells.

###Documentation highlights

Note: These resources are also available in the Develop Tab on the Kinoma website

###Source code and additional documentation

The KinomaJS source code is located in ./kinoma/kpr. For an extended description of what is there and links to relevant documentation and tutorials, see this document.

##Kinoma Create resources

<p align="center"> <img src="http://kinoma.com/media/press-images/img/Kinoma-Create_facing-left_sm.jpg" height="150" alt=""/></p>

Kinoma Create uses the KinomaJS application framework, so all source code, tutorials, and documentation listed above can be used as references for Kinoma Create developers.

The following resources are specific to Kinoma Create.

###Programming with hardware

###Device management

./kinoma/kpr/notes/create-notes/ contains the following references to help developers set up and properly use Kinoma Create:

##Kinoma Element resources

<p align="center"> <img src="http://kinoma.com/media/press-images/img/Kinoma-Element_facing-left_sm.jpg" height="150" alt=""/></p>

Kinoma Element's form factor and resources demand the use of a lighter application framework than Kinoma Create. It therefore does not use the KinomaJS application framework detailed above. However, Kinoma Element and Kinoma Create offer many of the same software APIs so developers will often be able to re-use their code that communicates with pins, as well as many modules they create.

###Documentation highlights

###Programming with hardware

###Source code

The source code for Kinoma Element is located in ./xs6/sources/mc/.

##Kinoma Code

<p align="center"> <img src="http://kinoma.com/media/press-images/img/Kinoma-Code_sm.jpg" height="150" alt=""/></p>

Kinoma Code is our IDE for scripting apps for IoT devices. You can download it from the Kinoma website or build it by following the instructions in the build instructions document.


###Source code

The source for Kinoma Code (originally called xsedit) is located in ./xs6/xsedit.

##KinomaJS Blocks

<p align="center"> <img src="http://kinoma.com/media/press-images/img/KinomaJS-Blocks_sm.jpg" height="150" alt=""/></p>

KinomaJS Blocks is a visual code editor designed to help developers build starter projects for Kinoma Create and Kinoma Element. The project is built on Angular 2(RC7) and runs in a web browser. The live version is hosted using Google App Engine, but you can modify and build it yourself by following the instructions in this document.



The Kinoma Porting Layer (KPL) is the bottom of the KinomaJS stack. It is a very light portability layer, modeled, as much as practical, on POSIX. Because KinomaJS runs on a wide variety of operating systems, the goal is to isolate all direct calls to the host operating in KPL. Some RTOS hosts do not support the full ANSI C library, so it cannot even be safely assumed that functions like printf are available. To avoid surprises with the size of types, a portable-type system modeled on that used by QuickTime is used.

KinomaJS builds for Linux-based systems use KPL. For historical reasons, the iOS, Mac OS X, Android, and Windows builds do not. They rely instead on conditional compilation. It is strongly recommended that newly developed ports of the Kinoma Platform be based on KPL rather than the older method.
