

ZzFX - Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth

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ZzFX is a tiny sound generator designed to produce a wide variety of sound effects with minimal code overhead. It's perfect for games, prototypes, and any web application that needs sound without the bulk of traditional sound files.

ZzFX Sound Designer - Soundboard Demo

ZzFX Image

🌟 Features

🔊 Why Use ZzFX?

🚀 How to Use

Sample sounds...

zzfx(...[,,925,.04,.3,.6,1,.3,,6.27,-184,.09,.17]); // Game Over
zzfx(...[,,537,.02,.02,.22,1,1.59,-6.98,4.97]); // Heart
zzfx(...[1.5,.8,270,,.1,,1,1.5,,,,,,,,.1,.01]); // Piano
zzfx(...[,,129,.01,,.15,,,,,,,,5]); // Drum

🎶 ZzFX Music

🛠️ ZzFX UI Features

🖥️ ZzFX Micro Code

Here's all the code you need to play ZzFX sounds with JavaScript!

let // ZzFXMicro - Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth - v1.3.1 by Frank Force ~ 1000 bytes
zzfxV=.3,               // volume
zzfxX=new AudioContext, // audio context
zzfx=                   // play sound
,N=0)=>{let M=Math,d=2*M.PI,R=44100,G=u*=500*d/R/R,C=b*=(1-k+2*k*M.random(k=[]))*d/R,

🎮 Games Using ZzFX

Space Huggers / Packabunchas / Galaxy Rider / The Adventures of Captain Callisto / Welcome to Space / Bogus Roads / NoteCraft / The Wandering Wraith / Bounce Back / Hue Jumper / Bubba's Back Room / Backstabber Hero / Spendotron: 2019 / Dioretsa / Back 2 Back / Quick Wins / Back Relax / Back To The Island / Backspace It / Back To The Stars / Can't Get Back / Letchworth Village / Noegnud / Sausage Redemption / Marshmallow Sky / Big Champ / I want to google the game / Edge Not Found / Stolen Sword / Highway 404 / The Last Spartan / OS13k / Crab Story / Cooking for Skully / Egg Time Rewind / Charon Jr. / 13 / Soul Surf / Dead Again / Trench Fisher / Path to Glory / Merlin vs Alfonso / Casual Crusade / Squirtcopter / Dr1v3n Wild / Squad 13 / Coup Ahoo / The Way of the Dodo / Wendol Village / Bubble Burst / Brewing Disaster / Data Warrior: 13kb limit / Unblock

ZzFX Image