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All Tasks


  1. Unlimited levels of task nesting
  2. The ability to build execution chains by blocking tasks
  3. A task can be a subtask in several tasks at once
  4. Storing your data on your device

Launching the application

Case 1: If you use OS Windows, Debian or MacOS, you can click on the link with releases and download the latest version of this application. You need to run the following command: sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/Unlimotion.app after installing on MacOS. Rights aren't automatically granted due to Apple's security policy for unsigned applications. No additional steps are required for correct installation on OS Windows and Debian.

Case 2:

  1. Download and install the .NET 8.0 SDK for your operating system
  2. Download the latest version of the program's source code as a zip-archive and unpack it to any folder on your computer. If you know the git version control system, instead of downloading the archive, clone this git-repository to your computer in any folder using your favorite git-client (for example Fork).
  3. Open the resulting source сode folder on your computer.
  4. Run the script file from the folder depending on the operating system:
    • Windows - run.windows.cmd
    • Mac OS - run.macos.sh
    • Linux - run.linux.sh

Conceptual description

Task states

Any task can be in only one of the four states:

  1. Not completed - an empty checkbox
  2. Archived - a checkbox with a square
  3. In progress - an empty checkbox with a clock next to it
  4. Completed - a checkbox with a check mark Acceptable transitions are described by the diagram:
    uncomplited: Not completed
    inprogress: In progress
    archieved: Archieved
    completed: Completed
    [*] --> uncomplited: Creation
    uncomplited --> [*]: Deleting
    completed--> [*]: Deleting
    archieved --> [*]: Deleting
    uncomplited --> completed
    uncomplited --> archieved
    uncomplited --> inprogress
    inprogress --> uncomplited
    inprogress --> completed
    completed --> uncomplited
    archieved --> uncomplited

Tasks links

Each task can have links to other tasks of 4 types:

  1. Parents Tasks - parent tasks that contain this task within themselves as an integral part necessary for execution.
  2. Containing Tasks - child tasks that are part or steps of this task and arise during the decomposition process.
  3. Blocking By Tasks - blocking tasks that must be completed to unlock the current one.
  4. Blocked Tasks - blocked tasks that cannot be unblocked while this task is not completed.

Hierarchy of tasks

All tasks have their place in the general tree hierarchy. The very first level is called the root level, it contains tasks that have no links to parent tasks. Any task can become a child of another task, visually it looks like a nesting in the task tree. Unlike other task schedulers, Unlimited allows one task to be a child of several other tasks at once. This is convenient in cases where the task has an inter project value and cannot be assigned to only one parent task. Also, this feature can be used as a replacement for tags, you can create a parent task with a certain meaning and add to it all the child tasks that are related to this meaning. This will allow you to observe the same task in different slices right at the hierarchy level.


A blocked task cannot be completed until it becomes unblocked. Blocking is visually expressed by a more transparent color of the checkbox and the text of the task description. A task is considered Blocked if it has:

  1. Uncompleted tasks inside
  2. Has uncompleted blocking tasks
  3. Has uncompleted blocking tasks for any parent task

Interface description

The interface consists of 3 parts.

  1. On top are the so-called breadcrumbs that show the path in the hierarchy of the currently selected task.
  2. On the right is a panel of detailed information of the currently selected task, where all the task fields available for viewing and editing are displayed.
  3. The left panel has the ability to switch between tabs:

All Tasks

It's a hierarchical representation of all tasks. At the root are those tasks that don't have parents. All Tasks

Last Created

Shows all tasks by creation date in descending order. Last Created


Window of Opportunity - represents only those tasks that are currently available for execution. Unlocked


The list of completed tasks in the reverse order of execution - the last ones from the top. Completed


The list of archived tasks in the reverse order of archiving - the last ones from the top. This includes tasks that no longer need to be performed, but you don't want to delete them either. Archived


Displaying tasks in the form of a roadmap. Inspired by the development tree from games. In this view, tasks are displayed in the form of a directed graph, which allows you to visualize the tracks of tasks that need to be completed in order to reach the goal. Green arrows - child-parent relationship Red arrows - the ratio of the blocking task to the blocked one Roadmap


Settings window - allows you to change the parameters that affect the operation of the program.


How to get started

Tasks creation

New tasks are always created relative to the selected task. To do this, you can use the buttons on the top right panel with the sign "➕" or use hotkeys:

After creating a task, you need to fill in the name of the current task, because if a task without a name is selected, the creation buttons will be disabled.

Tasks deleting

Tasks are permanently deleted when you click the "❌" button in the task list. Also, when you press Shift+Delete, the selected task is deleted.

Dragging with the mouse

In all tabs, you can perform drag-and-drop actions with the left mouse button. The task that you pulled is called draggable. The task on which you release the mouse button is called the target. Depending on which buttons on the keyboard are clamped when you release the left mouse button, different commands are executed:

Grouping by emoji

If the emoji symbol is present in the task name, then it becomes possible to quickly filter such tasks and those contained in them using filters on the tabs. To add an emoji to the text field, use the special menu:

On the tabs where the tasks are not displayed in a hierarchical form, all the emoji that the parent tasks have are displayed to the left of the name of each task. This allows you to visually immediately understand where this task comes from.

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