


VFTGen is a tool that allows to create three levels Fat Tree topologies (single-plane or multi-planes) and configure them to run on Kathará.

N.B. : until now only three-level architectures are possible.

N.B. : Katharà works well on Linux, Windows and MacOS, but due to Docker limitations not all the functionalities are available on non-Linux platform (i.e. ECMP).




Build a topology

From Configuration File

The parameters to build a topology can be described in a config.json file.

  "k_leaf": 4,
  "k_top": 4,
  "redundancy_factor": 2,
  "n_pods" : 2,
  "servers_for_rack": 1,
  "tof_rings": false,
  "leaf_spine_parallel_links": 1, 
  "spine_tof_parallel_links": 1, 
  "ring_parallel_links": 0,
  "protocol": "bgp"

From CLI Arguments

Alternatively, it is possible to pass them from command line using --k_leaf, --k_top, --r (redundancy_factor), --servers (servers_for_rack), --protocol. These arguments are required, otherwise the values are read from config.json file.

Additional non-mandatory CLI args are: --tof_rings (sets tof_rings to true), --ls_parallel to specify leaf_spine_parallel_links value, --st_parallel to specify spine_tof_parallel_links value, --ring_parallel to specify ring_parallel_links value.

It is also possible to use -d param to specify an output directory. If not specified the current directory is used.

The --name parameter specifies a name for the directory where the topology is generated. By default, the generated directory name is fat_tree_<k_leaf>_<k_top>_<r>_<protocol>+<ls_parallel>_<st_parallel>_<ring_parallel>.

--kube_net flag is used to configure the network interfaces to work with Megalos version of Kathará.

Run the tool

In order to run the tool, type on terminal:

$ python3 vftgen.py

N.B. : in this case the params values are taken from config.json file. Otherwise, specify the CLI parameters described above.

After that, in the current folder (or in the one specified with -d option) a fat_tree_<k_leaf>_<k_top>_<r>_<protocol>+<ls_parallel>_<st_parallel>_<ring_parallel> directory (or a directory with the name specified using -n option) is created, containing:

Fat Tree Conventions and Formulas


The topology is built using the following parameters and formulas:

    redundancy_factor (R)
    number_of_planes = k_leaf/R
    number_of_pod = (k_leaf+k_top)/r
    number_of_spine_per_pod = k_leaf
    number_of_leaf_per_pod = k_top
    number_of_tof_for_plane = k_top
    servers_for_rack =  servers_for_rack

Node names convention

All the nodes in the lab have a name that depend on their type and their position in the topology:

Topology information


The topology_info.json file contains all the parameters of the built topology:

    "aggregation_layer": {
        "number_of_planes": 2,
        "tofs_for_plane": 4
    "k_leaf": 4,
    "k_top": 4,
    "leaf_spine_parallel_links": 2,
    "number_of_pods": 4,
    "pod": {
        "leafs_for_pod": 4,
        "servers_for_rack": 1,
        "spines_for_level": [
    "protocol": "bgp",
    "redundancy_factor": 2,
    "ring_parallel_links": 2,
    "spine_tof_parallel_links": 2,
    "tof_rings": true

The other parameters have the same meaning explained in "Build a topology".


It's possible to read the lab.json file to know all the information of the topology and nodes.

Run the topology

To run the lab, open a terminal in the topology directory and type:

$ cd lab
$ kathara lstart

Connect to a device

To connect to a specific device, run the following command from the lab directory:

$ kathara connect <machine_name>

This will open a shell into the machine machine_name root directory.

Build RIFT-Python image

In order to run RIFT protocol, it is required to build the corresponding Docker Image. To do so, run the following commands (from the root directory of this project):

$ cd Dockerfiles/rift-py
$ docker build -t kathara/rift-py .

Additional tools


It's also possible to use the get_ip.py script to get the nodes IPs of the generated lab.

To get all the IPs in the network type on terminal:

$ python3 get_ip.py -d fat_tree_<k_leaf>_<k_top>_<r>_<protocol>+<ls_parallel>_<st_parallel>_<ring_parallel>

To get the IPs of a particular type of nodes type on terminal:

$ python3 get_ip.py -d fat_tree_<k_leaf>_<k_top>_<r>_<protocol>+<ls_parallel>_<st_parallel>_<ring_parallel> --type <node_type>

Possible values for <node_type> param are: