

All of the things mentioned in the implemented section are not yet implemented in the refactored version. Hopefully will be done by the end of the weekend

Important Notes

This repository (rlswiss) has been extended from the August 2018 version of rlkit. Since then the design approaches of rlswiss and rlkit have deviated quite a bit, and it is for this reason that we are releasing rlswiss as a separate repository. If you find this repository useful for your research/projects, please cite this repository as well as rlkit.


Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Learning from Demonstrations (LfD) framework for the single task as well as meta-learning settings.

Our goal throughout has been to make it very efficient to implement new ideas quickly and cleanly. The core infrastructure is learning-framework-agnostic (PyTorch, Tf, etc.), however current implementations of specific algorithms are all in PyTorch.

Implemented RL algorithms:

Implemented LfD algorithms:

Implemented Meta-RL algorithms:

Implemented Meta-LfD algorithms: