


SoundAnalyse plugin is intended to be used with Phaser.js game engine.

Phaser SoundAnalyse plugin - provide you with possibility to create real time visual frequency/time data analyser, simple sound analyse object with real time data update callback, audio analyse object, bitmap sound analyse object.

Demo link

Image preview

alt tag

Table of contents


Then you need to include plugin script file into your project (after phaser library):

<script src="[path_to_phaser]/phaser.js"></script>
<!-- SoundAnalyse plugin -->
<script src="[path_to_plugin]/SoundAnalyse.js"></script>

or with Phaser loader in preload method:

function preload () {
	// ......
	game.load.script('soundAnalysePlugin', '[path_to_plugin]/SoundAnalyse.js');

Don't forget to load sound :)

function preload () {
	// ......
	game.load.audio('song1', '[path_to_sond]/some_sound.mp3', true);
    // ......

Create plugin instance

In phaser Create method, or if you are using Phaser with game states - then in your create method of the main game state, add the following code:

function create () {
	// ......
	var soundAnalyse = game.plugins.add(new Phaser.Plugin.SoundAnalyse(game));
    // ......

You can now use "add" object from created plugin instance to access different methods that allow you to create new sound analyse objects. The methods provided are:

Hint: they are decribed at the end of this readme

Create SoundAnalyse sprite object

In phaser Create method, or if you are using Phaser with game states - then in your create method of the main game state, add the following code:

function create () {
    // ......
	var soundAnalyseSprite = soundAnalyse.add.soundAnalyseSprite(
    	20/*x*/, 200/*y*/, 530/*width*/, 200/*height*/, "song1"/*sound key*/, true/*auto play*/, this._onDecodeFinish/*decode finish callback*/, this/*callback context*/);
    // show frequency domain chart bars
    // DONE!!! :)

Complete example

All paths in this example are related to the data strcture in this plugin repository

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Phaser - Sound Analyse</title>
  <meta name="description" content="Example use of Phaser SoundAnalyse plugin">
  <meta name="author" content="SoundAnalyse">
  <!-- Phaser.js library -->
  <script src="js/lib/phaser.js"></script>


  	// create new Phaser game
    var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create });

	// function called on game asset preload
    function preload() {
    	// load SoundAnalyse plugin script file
        game.load.script('soundAnalysePlugin', 'js/plugin/SoundAnalyse/SoundAnalyse.js');
        // load song file
        game.load.audio('song1', 'audio/All_Time_Low__Time_Bomb.mp3', true);

	// function called after all assets are loaded
    function create() {

        // create plugin instance
        var soundAnalyse = game.plugins.add(new Phaser.Plugin.SoundAnalyse(game));
        // create new Sprite sound analyse object
        var soundAnalyseSprite = soundAnalyse.add.soundAnalyseSprite(
    	20/*x*/, 200/*y*/, 530/*width*/, 200/*height*/, "song1"/*sound key*/, true/*auto play*/, this._onDecodeFinish/*decode finish callback*/, this/*callback context*/);
        // show frequency domain chart bars


About objects in this plugin

You can create and combine the following object types:




Hint: always set new with or heigh by using provided method: resize(w, h)
