

Exploring the Orthogonality and Linearity of Backdoor Attacks (IEEE S&P 2024)

Python 3.7 Pytorch 1.12.0 CUDA 11.6 License MIT

Table of Contents


<p align="center"> <table> <tr> <td align="center"><img src="./gifs/orthogonality.gif" alt="illustrative" width="170"></td> <td align="center"><img src="./gifs/parameter_space.png" alt="illustrative" width="170"></td> <td align="center"><img src="./gifs/linearity.gif" alt="illustrative" width="170"></td> <td align="center"><img src="./gifs/backdoor_neurons.gif" alt="illustrative" width="170"></td> </tr> </table> </p>

Code Architecture

├── backdoors                       # different backdoor attacks
├── ckpt                            # pre-trained models
├── data                            # data directory
│   └── triggers                    # trigger images / patterns
├── factors_variation               # evaluate the six factors that impact the orthogonality and linearity of backdoor attacks
├── log                             # training logs
├── models                          # model structures for different datasets
├── plot                            # visualization of backdoor attacks training ASR and ACC
├── utils                           # utils / params for different datasets
├── eval_orthogonality.py           # evaluate the orthogonality of the model
├── eval_linearity.py               # evaluate the linearity of the model
├── model_train.py                  # train the model in `ckpt` from scratch
├── model_detection.py              # evaluate the model detection defense methods
├── backdoor_mitigation.py          # evaluate the backdoor mitigation defense methods
├── input_detection.py              # evaluate the input detection defense methods
└── ...


Install required packages

# Create python environment (optional)
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate orth


In our paper, we formalize backdoor learning as a two-task continual learning problem: 1). an initial rapid learning phase of the backdoor task within a few training epochs, followed by 2). a subsequent phase of gradually learning over the clean task.

<p align="center"> <table> <tr> <td align="center"><img src="plot/cifar10_training_badnet.png" alt="CIFAR10 Training with BadNet" width="300"><br>CIFAR10 Training with BadNet</td> <td align="center"><img src="plot/cifar10_training_blend.png" alt="CIFAR10 Training with Blend" width="300"><br>CIFAR10 Training with Blend</td> <td align="center"><img src="plot/cifar10_training_wanet.png" alt="CIFAR10 Training with WaNet" width="300"><br>CIFAR10 Training with WaNet</td> </tr> </table> </p>

We provide the code to demonstrate the observation in the plot folder. You can run the following command to plot the results to observe

python plot_training.py badnet

Want to Evaluate Orthogonality and Linearity on Your Own Model?

There are two functions: eval_orthogonal and eval_linear in eval_orthogonality.py and eval_linearity.py respectively. You can use these functions to evaluate the orthogonality and linearity of your model.

Evaluate Orthogonality

You can evaluate the orthogonality of your model by running the following command. You can also evaluate the orthogonality of your model at a specific epoch.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DIVICES=0 python eval_orthogonality.py --attack badnet --dataset cifar10 --network resnet18 --suffix _epoch_10
CUDA_VISIBLE_DIVICES=0 python eval_orthogonality.py --attack badnet --dataset cifar10 --network resnet18

The suffix is optional. If you want to evaluate the orthogonality of the model at a specific epoch, you can add the suffix. For example, --suffix _epoch_10 will evaluate the orthogonality of the model at epoch 10. If you do not specify the suffix, the code will evaluate the orthogonality of the model at the last epoch.

Evaluate Linearity

You can evaluate the linearity of your model by running the following command. You can also evaluate the linearity of your model.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DIVICES=0 python eval_linearity.py --attack badnet --dataset cifar10 --network resnet18 --suffix _epoch_10
CUDA_VISIBLE_DIVICES=0 python eval_linearity.py --attack badnet --dataset cifar10 --network resnet18

The suffix is optional. If you want to evaluate the linearity of the model at a specific epoch, you can add the suffix. For example, --suffix _epoch_10 will evaluate the linearity of the model at epoch 10. If you do not specify the suffix, the code will evaluate the linearity of the model at the last epoch.

Evaluation of Various Defense Methods Against Existing Attacks

How to Train the Model

We provide the necesarry ckpts in the ckpt folder. If you want to train the model from scratch, you can run the following command.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python model_train.py --dataset ${dataset} --network ${network} --phase xx

The --phase can be train or test or poison. The --dataset can be cifar10 or gtsrb. The --network can be resnet18 (in cifar10), and wrn (in gtsrb).

How to Run the Code

We evaluate on 14 attacks and 12 defenses. We divide the 12 defenses into three categories: Model Detection (model_detection folder), Backdoor Mitigation (backdoor_mitigation folder) and Input Detection (input_detection folder). You can run the code as following.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python xx.py --dataset ${dataset} --network ${network} --phase ${phase} --attack ${attack}

In the above commond line, xx.py can be model_detection.py or backdoor_mitigation.py or input_detection.py; --dataset: cifar10 or gtsrb; --network: resnet18 (in cifar10), and wrn (in gtsrb); --phase can be nc, pixel, abs, fineprune, nad, anp, seam, ac, ss, spectre, scan; --attack can be clean badnet trojnn dynamic inputaware reflection blend sig filter dfst wanet invisible lira composite


  1. Model Detection

    Take cifar10 as an example, you can run as the following command to evaluate the defense methods nc (in model_detection category) against the badnet attack:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python model_detection.py --dataset cifar10 --network resnet18 --phase nc --attack badnet
  2. Backdoor Mitigation

    Take cifar10 as an example, you can run as the following command to evaluate the defense methods fineprune (in backdoor_mitigation category) against the badnet attack:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python backdoor_mitigation.py --dataset cifar10 --network resnet18 --phase fineprune --attack badnet

    Selective Amnesia: On Efficient, High-Fidelity and Blind Suppression of Backdoor Effects in Trojaned Machine Learning Models runs as the following command:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python seam.py --dataset cifar10 --network resnet18 --attack badnet
  3. Input Detection

    Take cifar10 as an example, you can run as the following command to evaluate the defense methods scan (in input_detection category) against the badnet attack:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python input_detection.py --dataset cifar10 --network resnet18 --phase scan --attack badnet

Six Factors Impact the Orthogonality and Linearity of Backdoor Attacks

We provide the code to evaluate the six factors that impact the orthogonality and linearity of backdoor attacks in the factors_variation folder. You can run the following command to evaluate the six factors.

How to Run the Code

cd factors_variation

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval_factors.py --phase poison --attack badnet --troj_type xx --troj_param 0.1

In the above command line, the --troj_type can be 'univ-rate', 'low-conf', 'label-spec', 'trig-focus', 'acti-sep', 'weig-cal', you can also change the --troj_param to evaluate the impact of different parameters.

univ-rate example

cd factors_variation

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval_factors.py --phase poison --attack badnet --troj_type univ-rate --troj_param 0.1


Please cite our work as follows for any purpose of usage.

  title={Exploring the Orthogonality and Linearity of Backdoor Attacks},
  author={Zhang, Kaiyuan and Cheng, Siyuan and Shen, Guangyu and Tao, Guanhong and An, Shengwei and Makur, Anuran and Ma, Shiqing and Zhang, Xiangyu},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP)},
  year = {2024},
  volume = {},
  issn = {2375-1207},
  pages = {225-225},
  doi = {10.1109/SP54263.2024.00225},
  url = {https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SP54263.2024.00225},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  month = {may}

Special thanks to...

Stargazers repo roster for @KaiyuanZh/OrthogLinearBackdoor Forkers repo roster for @KaiyuanZh/OrthogLinearBackdoor