


dir FSL is our VPP code.

dir Pretraining is our entity-relation-aware pretraining code.

dir Pretraining/data_process_code is our wikie data pre-process code.

our saved pre-taining LM and VPP can be downloaded at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xlb92tdcCCa0_2q5ZkeBcP0Z6Ekh-tL2?usp=sharing

The code for paper "Virtual prompt pre-training for prototype-based few-shot relation extraction".

@article{he2023virtual, title={Virtual prompt pre-training for prototype-based few-shot relation extraction}, author={He, Kai and Huang, Yucheng and Mao, Rui and Gong, Tieliang and Li, Chen and Cambria, Erik}, journal={Expert Systems with Applications}, volume={213}, pages={118927}, year={2023}, publisher={Elsevier} }