


Translate a video to AI generated video, batch img2img with frame delta correction, extension script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.

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Convert a video to an AI generated video through a pipeline of model neural models: Stable-Diffusion, DeepDanbooru, Midas, Real-ESRGAN, RIFE, with tricks of overrided sigma schedule and frame delta correction.
Although it sounds like the old joke that an English wizard turns a walnut into another walnut by reciting a tongue-twisting spell. 🤣

⚠ 我们成立了插件反馈 QQ 群: 616795645 (赤狐屿),欢迎出建议、意见、报告bug等 (w
⚠ We have a QQ chat group (616795645) now, any suggestions, discussions and bug reports are highly wellllcome!!

ℹ This script is only applicable in img2img tab :)
⚠ some tasks will take a real long time, just wait and see the progress bar on console!!



demo video original source:


Prompts: (masterpiece:1.3), highres, kagamine_len, male_focus, 1boy, solo, indoors, looking_at_viewer, shirt, blurry_foreground, depth_of_field, blonde_hai , black_collar, necktie, short_ponytail, spiked_hair, yellow_necktie, bass_clef, blue_eyes, headphones, white_shirt, sitting, collar, sailor_collar, short_sleeves, upper_body, brown_hair, short_hair, yellow_nails, headset, room
Negative prompt: (((nsfw))), ugly,duplicate,morbid,mutilated,tranny,trans,trannsexual,mutation,deformed,long neck,bad anatomy,bad proportions,extra arms,extra legs, disfigured,more than 2 nipples,malformed,mutated,hermaphrodite,out of frame,extra limbs,missing arms,missing legs,poorly drawn hands,poorty drawn face,mutation,poorly drawn,long body,multiple breasts,cloned face,gross proportions, mutated hands,bad hands,bad feet,long neck,missing limb,malformed limbs,malformed hands,fused fingers,too many fingers,extra fingers,missing fingers,extra digit,fewer digits,mutated hands and fingers,lowres,text,error,cropped,worst quality,low quality,normal quality,jpeg artifacts,signature,watermark,username,blurry,text font ufemale focus, poorly drawn, deformed, poorly drawn face, (extra leg:1.3), (extra fingers:1.2),out of frame

Sampler: Euler
Width: 832
Heigh: 448
Resize mode: Just Resize
CFG Scale: 7
Seed: 114514

Extract FPS: 12
Extract fmt: png
Sampling steps: 20
Denoising strength: 0.75
Init noise weight: 1.0
Sigma method: exponential
Sigma min: 0.1
Sigma max: 1.2
Statis correction: shift std
Delta mask: motion
Spatial mask: none
Motion high-ext: 13
Motion low-cut: 32
Depth low-cut: (not used)
RESR model: animevideov3-x2
RIFE model: rife-v4
Interpolation ratio: 2
Export fmt: webm

How it works?

How it works

Sigma schedule

Sigma schedule controls the magnitude to denoise a latent image at each sampling step, and it should be an annealing process so that the final painting converges to some local optimal. This extension allows you to override the default sigma scheduling, now you can fine-tune the annealing process on your own.

For sigmas tuning reference, see different schedule methods using the helper script helpers/sigma_schedule.py:


parameter tuning guide:

Frame delta correction (FDC)

The original batch img2img might still not be that consistent, successive or stable in re-painted details even with fine-tuned sigma schedule. 🤔 We further apply stats correction & delta mask using frame delta:

⚪ stats correction

Stats correction matches the frame delta for generated frames with the references in statistics.

tuning guide:

⚪ delta mask

Delta mask is parallel to the lagacy spacial mask (e.g. alpha-channel, depth-map or just hand-drawn), which masks on the differentials of the two successive images rather than the one image itself. You could take either motion or depth as the delta mask. => see further things

take the motion mask as an example, see the balance between parameter high-ext and low-cut:

high-ext \ low-cut0 (more area modifiable)255 (less area modifiable)
1 (area more thin)v2v-e1-c0 </br> 残留在镜头玻璃上的边角碎片v2v-e1-c255 </br> 和前面所有帧叠加形成重影,趋向于不修改
15 (area more thick)v2v-e15-c0 </br> 场景内闪烁的局部细节,趋向于无遮罩v2v-e15-c255 </br> 重影但较轻,画面内容稳定

tuning guide:

and remember the extremes:

furthur things to know

what a frame delta look like:

frame delta in most static cases is greyframe delta on scene changing is a ghost shadow mixng two images

motion mask vs depth mask, the thing as a mask:

typemask_motion <br/> motion maskmask_depth <br/> depth mask
highlights area ofvarying areas between successive frames, mostly the line edgesforeground object areas in a static sense, usually large patches
how to obtaintransformed from the frame deltapredicted by depth-map model MiDaS

ℹ you could also try use these two masks together~ 😃
ℹ e.g.: firstly apply depth as spatial mask to filter out the foreground changes, then apply motion as delta mask to decline non-edging changes, keeping large color blocks like cloth texture stable

delta mask vs spatial mask, the way to mask on:

typedelta maskspatial mask
masks ondelta of two imagesone image
apply eqv.out = old + (new - old) * maskout = mask * new + (1 - mask) * old

use the fdc debugger to further understand tunable FDC parameters:



⚪ Auto install

⚪ Maunal install

After installation & webui restart, you should find this control panel in img2img tab, under the Script dropdown. Now, follow those instruction guide to start! 🧐



by Armit 2023/01/20