

ikebrute v1.1

Simply runs through a wordlist of default/common group IDs and parses each hash to a separate file. Then it runs through the hashes with psk-crack using a wordlist mangled with john and hobo64.rule </br></br> Usage: ./ikebrute.sh [TARGET IP] [/path/to/wordlist] </br> Wordlist default is psk-crack-dictionary </br></br> Requirements: </br>

  1. ike-scan</br>
  2. psk-crack</br>
  3. rockyou wordlist located at /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt </br></br> Future Updates: </br>
  4. cat hash files and check for a null value (remove those that are null) </br>
  5. Add bruteforce mode to psk-crack for cracking hashes </br></br> Kevin Gilstrap </br> Sungard Availability Services, Lead Sr. Penetration Tester </br> February 14, 2017