<p> <img src="" alt="" /> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="ESMira" width="300"/> <br> <a href="">[Demo]</a> <a href="">[Screenshots]</a> <a href="">[Wiki]</a> <a href="">[Forum]</a> </p>This is the web server module for ESMira. It is responsible for providing studies to the ESMira apps, saving participant's data as well as providing an interface for designing studies and accessing data. If you want to use ESMira to run your own studies, you need to set up your own ESMira server. For more information follow our step-by-step guide. For more general information about ESMira have a look at the main Readme.
<p align="center"> <img src="" height="400" alt=""/> </p>:globe_with_meridians: Translations for ESMira
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="" /> </p>We have set up a platform were you can help us translate ESMira:
If you want to translate ESMira into a language that is not listed, please inform us in the discussions, so we can add it.