

256 Color Theme "Moonshine" for GNU ls

This is a 256-color dircolors colorscheme for GNU ls.

It is heavily based on and inspired by dircolors-solarized a similar colorscheme by Sebastian Tramp. Please visit the original theme for both better documentation and alternative (original) version.


To make ls use the color file add this to your .bashrc:

eval `dircolors /path/to/dircolors.moonshine`

And make sure that ls is using --colors=auto:

alias ls='ls --group-directories-first --color=auto'


Here is a sample screenshot displaying all of the used colors.


Explanation for all the choices:

alias ls='ls --group-directories-first --color=auto'

So they are always at the front of ls output.

Changing Colors And Filetype Classes

The colors were selected for my personal use, they might need some changing in order to better suite the needs of others.

Changing Filetypes

One such example is the color of html files. For me they are always a simple readable document and were included among other documents like pdf.If someone is writing html they might be better of moving html to Usual Code or Literal Code class. To achieve this - delete html filetype from Documents category and add it to Code category. Don't forget to adjust the color string to match the color of the new category.

Changing Colors

To change colors - change the color string that follows the filetype. In order to change the color of the whole category - change it for every filetype inside that category separately. Click here for a useful color guide


Below are some screenshots.

Media files

Messy folder with different media files - with and without coloring.


Neovim Source

Browsing NeoVim source base. With and without coloring.


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Similar themes are available for a few other terminal programs:

  1. Moonshine for vim text editor