

LiLi-OM (LIvox LiDAR-Inertial Odometry and Mapping)

-- Towards High-Performance Solid-State-LiDAR-Inertial Odometry and Mapping

This is the code repository of LiLi-OM, a real-time tightly-coupled LiDAR-inertial odometry and mapping system for solid-state LiDAR (Livox Horizon) and conventional LiDARs (e.g., Velodyne). It has two variants as shown in the folder:

Both variants exploit the same backend module, which is proposed to directly fuse LiDAR and (preintegrated) IMU measurements based on a keyframe-based sliding window optimization. Detailed information can be found in the paper below and on Youtube.

<p align='center'> <img src="./doc/fr_iosb.gif" alt="drawing" width="800"/> </p> <p align='center'> <img src="./doc/platform.jpg" alt="drawing" width="600"/> </p>

BibTex Citation

Thank you for citing our LiLi-OM paper on IEEE or ArXiv if you use any of this code:

  author={Li, Kailai and Li, Meng and Hanebeck, Uwe D.},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={Towards High-Performance Solid-State-LiDAR-Inertial Odometry and Mapping}, 

Data sets

We provide data sets recorded by Livox Horizon (10 Hz) and Xsens MTi-670 (200 Hz)

Download from isas-server


System dependencies (tested on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04)

In ROS workspce:


Compile with catkin_tools:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/KIT-ISAS/lili-om
cd ..
catkin build livox_ros_driver
catkin build lili_om
catkin build lili_om_rot


  1. Run a launch file for lili_om or lili_om_rot
  2. Play the bag file
roslaunch lili_om run_fr_iosb.launch
rosbag play FR_IOSB_Short.bag -r 1.0 --clock --pause
roslaunch lili_om_rot run_fr_iosb.launch
rosbag play FR_IOSB_Short_64.bag -r 1.0 --clock --pause
roslaunch lili_om run_fr_iosb_internal_imu.launch
rosbag play FR_IOSB_Short.bag -r 1.0 --clock --pause --topics /livox/lidar /livox/imu

For live test or own recorded data sets, the system should start at a stationary state.


Meng Li (Email: limeng1523@outlook.com)

Kailai Li (Email: kailai.li@liu.se)



We hereby recommend reading VINS-Fusion and LIO-mapping for reference.


The source code is released under GPLv3 license.

We are constantly working on improving our code. For any technical issues or commercial use, please contact Kailai Li < kailai.li@kit.edu > with Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems Lab (ISAS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).