

Basic implementation of the Matrix API used in LunaMech the Matrix bot.



V2 is under active development while v1 is now in maintenance only mode. I suggest all new users use V2. Currently v2 wraps every call in the client-server spec, the spaces api, every call in the synapse admin api and the integrations API (handling OpenID verification).

Important notes

The examples you see for v2 are using Plists, this is no longer the case. You can use the macro with-hash-keys in place of destructuring-bind.

When using an api call like

(make-instance 'rooms%public-rooms/filtered :connection #v13 :include-all-networks nil)

Make sure you check the API documentation to see which slot does what because boolean query parameters are "true" | "false" while the boolean values for json body parameters are t | nil. You might be able to workout which is from the initial value, if its "false" | "true" you know its a query param. Maybe I will implement a translator at some point for the query params.

in object-helpers.lisp there are a variety of objects constructed using keyword arguments, all arguments that default to :ne mean "no encode", these list items are completely ignored.

(defun object%room-filter (&key (not-rooms :ne)(rooms :ne)(ephemeral :ne)
                             (include-leave :ne)(state :ne)(timeline :ne)
                             (account-data :ne))
  (%quick-hash `(("not_rooms" . ,not-rooms)("rooms" . ,rooms)("ephemeral" . ,ephemeral)
                 ("include_leave" . ,include-leave)("state" . ,state)("timeline" . ,timeline)
                 ("account_data" . ,account-data))))

The package is :lunamech-matrix-api/v2.

see api/v2/user-api.lisp for some thin wrappers

see api/v2/object-helpers.lisp for some Matrix object wrappers

see api/v2/section you want/api.lisp for classes

All api calls are instances of a class, simply create an instance with make-instance and then use (call-api <your instance>) to execute. txnId's are automatically added, so dont fill that slot. Make sure that you always provide :connection as an initarg otherwise you will get an error.

There is a little bit of thread safety with a connection object using with-locked-connection this is used when calling password-login and logout and every time a call is made that uses a txn the lock is grabbed to increment the txn and set it that within in the call. Other than that there is no other thread safety, however this is more than v1.

In theory when you use (call-api <obj>) it will error if you are missing some required values, it will also serialize slots are query parameters and path parameters correctly, when you make the object you should be able to see if a required slot is missing in the printed representation of the object in the REPL. You can also see the json, and the potential url.

You can resend the same event and the previous result will be overridden (results are stored in the slot res) and the txn will still be incremented.

cl-json is used to encode all json (body) values.

When encoding query params nil and unbound slots are ignored, if you want something like 'false' then set the slot to false.

Some api calls are 'special' and will have one slot that is declared specialp this just means that the content of this slot is encoded to json and sent rather than the normal slots, if you fail to fill a special slot a condition will be signalled.

A few examples

CL-USER> (ql:quickload :lunamech-matrix-api)
To load "lunamech-matrix-api":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "lunamech-matrix-api"

CL-USER> (in-package #:lunamech-matrix-api/v2)
LMAV2> (make-instance 'connection :url "https://"
                                  :api "/_matrix/client/r0/" :username ""
                                  :password "")
URL: ""
Username: ""
Logged in: NIL
Auth: "Not authorized yet"
Device-id: "No device ID yet"
LMAV2> (password-login *)
URL: "https://"
Username: ""
Logged in: T
Auth: #<AUTH {100E4C88E3}>
Device-id: "VIFOADZRRE"

Sending a message to a room from repl

LMAV2> (multiple-value-bind (hash type)
           (object%event/m-room-message "foobarquux")
         (make-instance 'events%put-message-event-into-room
                        :body hash
                        :room-id "<the room id>"
                        :event-type type
                        :connection #v6))
PUT https://matrix.scyldings.com/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/%21Wom/send/m.room.message/0
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
JSON: {"msgtype":"m.text","body":"foobarquux"}
LMAV2> (call-api *)
(:|event_id| "$feWh-tyFUlqzJD0Gamaa0ndszoENf9F0GwJqe5CIChY")
PUT https://matrix./_matrix/client/r0/rooms/<the room id>/send/m.room.message/1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
JSON: {"msgtype":"m.text","body":"foobarquux"}

Retracting that same event

LMAV2> (make-instance 'events%redact-event
                      :reason "Test"
                      :room-id "!WJvFXSrAnfoqNgwqpE:scyldings.com"
                      :event-id (getf * :|event_id|)
                      :connection #v6)
PUT https://matrix.scyldings.com/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/%2s.com/redact/%24feWh-tyFUlqzJD0Gamaa0ndszoENf9F0GwJqe5CIChY/1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
JSON: {"reason":"Test"}
LMAV2> (call-api *)
(:|event_id| "$Z-19Wv6N1Xm21p0wFBHuqMI-XzWRtqQoX0Vy2GMEEFU")
PUT https://matrix.scyldings.com/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/s.com/redact/%24feWh-tyFUlqzJD0Gamaa0ndszoENf9F0GwJqe5CIChY/2
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
JSON: {"reason":"Test"}

Filters and syncing

Make the filter object, this is a normal api object made normally with generate-user-room-filter or (make-instance 'filters%upload ..) You can see an example in filters.lisp, the objects from the spec are in objects.lisp.

LMAV2> (filter-to-remove-receipts-reaction-typing #v13 "@om")
POST https://matrix..m/_matrix/client/r0/user/%om/filter
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
JSON: {"event_format":"client","presence":{"not_types":["m.presence"]},"room":{"ephemeral":{"not_types":["m.room.*","m.receipt","m.typing","m.reaction"]}}}

Then call (upload-new-filter <key> <filter-object>)

LMAV2> (upload-new-filter :junk-removed *)
(#<FILTER {100790A193}>)

You can now sync using that filter (ofcourse you can sync without a filter).

(sync #v13 :filter "9")

Or using (key-sync <con> <key>)

LMAV2> (key-sync #v13 :junk-removed)
(:|org.matrix.msc2732.device_unused_fallback_key_types| NIL
 :|device_one_time_keys_count| (:|signed_curve25519| 0) :|next_batch|


Every API call is wrapped with the macro 'with-captured-dex-error' (see api/v2/protocol/call-wrapper.lisp) this macro wraps its body with a bt:with-timeout and catches the bt:timeout and signalling a api-timeout condition, it also catches all other conditions and passes them to a method called %call-condition-handler, a variety of conditions are handled elegantly and are converted into specific subclass of api-error, however if no method is found for the signalled condition then the top-level condition of 'api-error is signalled. The macro also provides a restart called 'try-again', this will execute the body of with-captured-dex-error again. This can be invoked like so:

LMAV2> (handler-bind ((condition (lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
                                   (print "restarting")
                                   (invoke-restart 'try-again))))
         (with-captured-dex-error (sleep 2)))


(by default the timeout is 30 seconds, it was reduced to 1 just for this demonstration)

So for example if you are running a loop where it constantly checks for a new sync, you can wrap that call or worker thread with a handler-bind which invokes restart, perhaps you could try logging in again etc and then restarting the thread where it was without having unwound the stack. You can see the default way conditions signalled by api-calls are handled in the previously mentioned files.


You can serialize a connection object so it can be saved to a file like so:

LMAV2> #v1
URL: "https://matrix..com/_matrix/client/r0/"
Username: ""
Logged in: T
Auth: #<AUTH {10041E6AD3}>
Device-id: "KZCNNOWDTG"
LMAV2> (serialize-connection *)

(:URL "https://matrix..com" :USERNAME "lh" :LOGGED-IN-P T :AUTH
 :TXN 0 :API "/_matrix/client/r0/" :FILTERS
 :USER-ID "@lunamech:scyldings.com")#<CONNECTION 
URL: "https://matrix./_matrix/client/r0/"
Username: ""
Logged in: T
Auth: #<AUTH {100B9CE233}>
Device-id: "TDCJWNGOHN"

The following slots are serialized by default url username logged-in-p auth device-id txn api filters status user-id

Then restore like so:

LMAV2> (restore-connection *)
URL: "https://m.com/_matrix/client/r0/"
Username: ""
Logged in: T
Auth: #<AUTH {10031E19C3}>
Device-id: "KZCNNOWDTG"

The actual syncs are not restored, only the next-batch is, meaning if you call sync on your restored connection it will sync from your last previous sync, if you want to avoid this and do a completely new sync then you can call dry-sync which will remove the next-batch from your status and call sync normally..


See api/user-api

See api/admin-api

See api/spaces

I have some plans to change the backend to use drakma rather than dex and I might move over to using the MOP for defining new API's. However I am very dependent on the current APIs interface so this will have to stay the same.

LMAPI> (make-instance 'connection :url "<your matrix server address>"
                                  :api "/_matrix/client/r0/" :username "<your username>"
                                  :password "<your password>")
URL: "https://_matrix/client/r0/"
Username: "lh"
Logged in: NIL
Auth: "Not authorized yet"
Device-id: "No device ID yet"
LMAPI> (password-login *)
(:|well_known| (:|m.homeserver| (:|base_url| "htm/"))
 :|device_id| "XLXMACKAFI" :|home_server| "scom" :|access_token|
 "sytdW" :|user_id|
; Returning value 0 of history entry 21
URL: "https://m.com/_matrix/client/r0/"
Username: "h"
Logged in: T
Auth: #<AUTH {10093A81E3}>
Device-id: "XLXMACKAFI"

Now you can pass that connection as the first argument to api calls.