

Appearance-Based Refinement for <br> Object-Centric Motion Segmentation

Junyu Xie, Weidi Xie, Andrew Zisserman

Visual Geometry Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

ECCV, 2024

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The YouTubeVOS2018-motion Dataset

Pre-computed results and checkpoints



pytorch>=2.0, Pillow, opencv, einops


python main.py --save_pred --dataset DAVIS17m --ckpt_selector={} --ckpt_corrector={}  \ 
                --img_dir={} --gt_dir={} --mask_dir={} --save_dir={} 

where --save_pred saves the refined masks <br>            --ckpt_selector and --ckpt_corrector indicate the checkpoints for the mask selector and corrector <br>            --img_dir and --gt_dir denote the directories for dataset images and corresponding gt annotations <br>            --mask_dir denote the directory of input flow-predicted masks to be refined <br>            --save_dir specifies the directory to save predicted masks


If you find our paper/repository helpful, please consider citing our works:

    title     = {Appearance-Based Refinement for Object-Centric Motion Segmentation},  
    author    = {Junyu Xie and Weidi Xie and Andrew Zisserman},  
    booktitle = {ECCV},  
    year      = {2024}
    title     = {Segmenting Moving Objects via an Object-Centric Layered Representation}, 
    author    = {Junyu Xie and Weidi Xie and Andrew Zisserman},
    booktitle = {NeurIPS},
    year      = {2022}