



For anyone who wants to have a quick look, you can now download the iOS app from App Store


The playground which used for application for WWDC 2017. Unfortunately I didn't make it to the selection (which is really a bummer for me :-( ), so I open-sourced it.
The same playground which wasn't chosen by Apple in 2017 won me a WWDC Scholarship this year (2018). I guess the reason that my project didn't make it to the selection in 2017 was a bug in SceneKit (radar #39027796 Change widthSegmentCount/heightSegmentCount on SCNPlane doesn't change vertex immediately), which I bypassed with a Thread.Sleep workaround. :-P


The Swift Playground (both Xcode and iPad) is unstable at the moment (2017.4.2), so directly open Playground.xcodeproj is more recommended. The code is the same as the playground but intergated into a single page application template.

If you really want to use Swift Playground, I would like you to open the “Golf GO.playgroundbook” on iPad instead of “Golf GO.playground”, which contains the disable logging key of Swift Playground to enable a faster runtime performance.
Both “Golf GO.playgroundbook” and “Golf GO.playground” have the same code, the only difference is the first has logging system disabled in plist as I mentioned. The logging system is useful but somehow too annoying to log everything out and wastes huge amount of memory.

Tech Info

This Swift playground (as "Golf GO"), uses various APIs from SceneKit, GameplayKit and ModelIO.

Golf GO is a golf game with infinte map generation!


Running as a single page application. On iPad Pro 9.7 Simulator.

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