


PoshColor is a blatant ripoff of PSColor :relaxed:, allowing you to customise items in powershell based on your own color preferences. PoshColor works in Powershell Core and works across both Windows and Linux.

PSColozier can use either standard console colors or 8 bit RGB allowing 16 million colour goodness.


Screenshot of Get-Childitem

Screenshot of get-childitem

Screenshot of Select String with -Context 1

Screenshot of select-string with context

Screenshot of Get-Service

Screenshot of Get-Service


Screenshot of Get-Command


There are currently 3 themes that come with PoshColor. Feel free to contribute more themes to make PoshColor the best it can be.

Included themes

Theme NameDescription
DefaultThe default theme using standard terminal colors
DefaultHighColorSimilar styling to Default, but uses 8 bit RGB colors
CoolUses RGB colors to provide a theme based on whites, blues and greens


Get-PoshColorThemeGets the current theme being used by PoshColor
Set-PoshColorThemeSets the current theme for PoshColor to use
Get-PoshColorThemesGets a list of all installed PoshColor themes



Install-Module PoshColor

Import-Module PoshColor

Install from source

git clone https://github.com/JustABearOz/PoshColor.git

sl .\PoshColor


Install from Zip

Download the latest release and extract it into your powershell modules directory.

Add to Profile

The above installation methods will load the PoshColor module for your current session. If you want the PoshColor module loaded for all sessions, add the following line to your profile

Import-Module PoshColor

Updating PoshColor

To update PoshColor to the newest version, run the following command in powershell

Update-Module PoshColor

Unload PoshColor

To unload PoshColor from your session, run the following command in powershell

Remove-Module PoshColor


To view a list of installed themes


To set the current theme (Setting theme too Cool)

Set-PoshColorTheme Cool

To view the current theme



Why not contribute to PSColor?

PS Color seems to be a dead repository. There have not been any updates to the repo in a few years, and there are a few outstanding issues that have not been resolved. Yes, I could fix these issues, however there are PRs others have raised to fix some of the issues which have not been accepted in years. ALSO, I thought it would be fun to do :)