

A Light Weight Model for Active Speaker Detection


This repository contains the code and model weights for our paper (CVPR 2023):

A Light Weight Model for Active Speaker Detection
Junhua Liao, Haihan Duan, Kanghui Feng, Wanbing Zhao, Yanbing Yang, Liangyin Chen

Evaluate on AVA-ActiveSpeaker dataset

Data preparation

Use the following code to download and preprocess the AVA dataset.

python train.py --dataPathAVA AVADataPath --download 

The AVA dataset and the labels will be downloaded into AVADataPath.


You can train the model on the AVA dataset by using:

python train.py --dataPathAVA AVADataPath

exps/exps1/score.txt: output score file, exps/exp1/model/model_00xx.model: trained model, exps/exps1/val_res.csv: prediction for val set.


Our model weights have been placed in the weight folder. It performs mAP: 94.06% in the validation set. You can check it by using:

python train.py --dataPathAVA AVADataPath --evaluation

Evaluate on Columbia ASD dataset


The model weights trained on the AVA dataset have been placed in the weight folder. Then run the following code.

python Columbia_test.py --evalCol --colSavePath colDataPath

The Columbia ASD dataset and the labels will be downloaded into colDataPath. And you can get the following F1 result.


We have also provided the model weights fine-tuned on the TalkSet dataset. Due to space limitations, we did not exhibit it in the paper. Run the following code.

python Columbia_test.py --evalCol --pretrainModel weight/finetuning_TalkSet.model --colSavePath colDataPath

And you can get the following F1 result.


An ASD Demo with pretrained Light-ASD model

You can put the raw video (.mp4 and .avi are both fine) into the demo folder, such as 0001.mp4.

python Columbia_test.py --videoName 0001 --videoFolder demo

By default, the model loads weights trained on the AVA-ActiveSpeaker dataset. If you want to load weights fine-tuned on TalkSet, you can execute the following code.

python Columbia_test.py --videoName 0001 --videoFolder demo --pretrainModel weight/finetuning_TalkSet.model

You can obtain the output video demo/0001/pyavi/video_out.avi, where the active speaker is marked by a green box and the non-active speaker by a red box.


Please cite our paper if you use this code or model weights.

    author    = {Liao, Junhua and Duan, Haihan and Feng, Kanghui and Zhao, Wanbing and Yang, Yanbing and Chen, Liangyin},
    title     = {A Light Weight Model for Active Speaker Detection},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {22932-22941}


Thanks for the support of TaoRuijie's open source repository for this research.