

3D Medical Image Segmentation With Distance Transform Maps

Motivation: How Distance Transform Maps Boost Segmentation CNNs (MIDL 2020)

Incorporating the distance Transform maps of image segmentation labels into CNNs-based segmentation tasks has received significant attention in 2019. These methods can be classified into two main classes in terms of the main usage of distance transform maps.


However, with these new methods on the one hand and the diversity of the specific implementations and dataset-related challenges on the other, it's hard to figure out which design can generalize well beyond the experiments in the original papers. In this repository, we want to re-implement these methods (published in 2019) and evaluate them on the same 3D segmentation tasks (heart and liver tumor segmentation).


TaskLA ContributorGPULiTS ContributorGPU
Boundary lossYiwen Zhang2080tiMengzhang LiTITIAN RTX
Hausdorff lossYiwen Zhang2080tiMengzhang LiTITIAN RTX
Signed distance map loss (AAAI 2020)Zhan Wei1080ticancel-
Multi-Head: FG DTM regression-L1Yiwen Zhang2080ticancel-
Multi-Head: FG DTM regression-L2Jianan Liu2080ticancel-
Multi-Head: FG DTM regression-L1 + L2Gaoxiang Chen2080ticancel-
Multi-Head: SDF regression-L1Feng ChengTITAN XChao PengTITAN RTX
Multi-Head: SDF regression-L2Rongfei LvTITAN RTXRongfei LvTITAN RTX
Multi-Head: SDF regression-L1+L2Yixin WangP100cancel-
Add-Branch: FG DTM regression-L1Yaliang ZhaoTITAN RTXcancel-
Add-Branch: FG DTM regression-L2Mengzhang LiTITIAN RTXcancel-
Add-Branch: FG DTM regression-L1+L2Yixin WangP100cancel-
Add-Branch: SDF regression-L1Feng ChengTITAN XYixin WangTITAN RTX
Add-Branch: SDF regression-L2Feng ChengTITAN XYixin WangP100
Add-Branch: SDF regression-L1+L2Yixin WangP100Yunpeng WangTITAN XP

Here is the code, and trained modles can be downloaded from Baidu Disk (pw:mgn0).

Related Work in 2019

New loss functions

DateFirst authorTitleOfficial CodePublication
2019Yuan XueShape-Aware Organ Segmentation by Predicting Signed Distance MapsNoneAAAI 2020
2019Hoel KervadecBoundary loss for highly unbalanced segmentationpytorchMIDL 2019
2019Davood KarimiReducing the Hausdorff Distance in Medical Image Segmentation with Convolutional Neural Networks (arxiv)NoneTMI 2019

Auxiliary tasks

DateFirst authorTitleOfficial CodePublication
2019Yan WangDeep Distance Transform for Tubular Structure Segmentation in CT ScansNoneCVPR2020
2019Shusil DangiA Distance Map Regularized CNN for Cardiac Cine MR Image Segmentation (arxiv)NoneMedical Physics
2019Fernando NavarroShape-Aware Complementary-Task Learning for Multi-organ Segmentation (arxiv)NoneMICCAI MLMI 2019
2019Balamurali MurugesanPsi-Net: Shape and boundary aware joint multi-task deep network for medical image segmentation (arXiv)NoneEMBC
2019Balamurali MurugesanConv-MCD: A Plug-and-Play Multi-task Module for Medical Image Segmentation (arXiv)PytorchMLMI


The authors would like to thank the organization team of MICCAI 2017 liver tumor segmentation challenge MICCAI 2018 and left atrial segmentation challenge for the publicly available dataset. We also thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. We appreciate Cheng Chen, Feng Cheng, Mengzhang Li, Chengwei Su, Chengfeng Zhou and Yaliang Zhao to help us finish some experiments. Last but not least, we thank Lequan Yu for his great PyTorch implementation of V-Net and Fabian Isensee for his great PyTorch implementation of nnU-Net.

Including the following citation in your work would be highly appreciated.

  title={How Distance Transform Maps Boost Segmentation CNNs: An Empirical Study},
  author={Ma, Jun and Wei, Zhan and Zhang, Yiwen and Wang, Yixin and Lv, Rongfei and Zhu, Cheng and Chen, Gaoxiang and Liu, Jianan and Peng, Chao and Wang, Lei and Wang, Yunpeng and Chen, Jianan},
  booktitle={Medical Imaging with Deep Learning},
  pages = {479--492},
  volume = {121},
  month = {06--08 Jul},
  series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  editor = {Tal Arbel and Ismail Ben Ayed and Marleen de Bruijne and Maxime Descoteaux and Herve Lombaert and Christopher Pal},
  publisher = {PMLR},
  url = {http://proceedings.mlr.press/v121/ma20b.html}