


PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases)

You want to have an easy way to interact with the Microsoft Azure API endpoints without getting headache of taking care of valid bearer token and error handling?

Table of content

AzAPICall example

Get & Set AzAPICall PowerShell module

Install-Module -Name AzAPICall
#Import-Module -Name AzAPICall

Connect to Azure


Initialize AzAPICall

$parameters4AzAPICallModule = @{
    #SubscriptionId4AzContext = $null #specify Subscription Id #[string]
    #TenantId4AzContext = $null #specify Tenant Id #[string]
    #DebugAzAPICall = $true #[bool]
    #WriteMethod = 'Output' #Debug, Error, Host, Information, Output, Progress, Verbose, Warning (default: host) #[string]
    #DebugWriteMethod = 'Warning' #Debug, Error, Host, Information, Output, Progress, Verbose, Warning (default: host) #[string]
    #SkipAzContextSubscriptionValidation = $true #Only use in case you do not have any valid (quotaId != AAD_* & state != disabled) subscriptions in your tenant OR you do not have any permissions on Azure Resources (Management Groups, Subscriptions, Resource Groups, Resources) and but want to connect non-ARM API endpoints such as Microsoft Graph etc. #[bool]
    #AzAPICallCustomRuleSet = $object #wip #[object]
$azAPICallConf = initAzAPICall @parameters4AzAPICallModule

How to use AzAPICall ?!

Example for Microsoft Graph

Get AAD Groups:

AzAPICall -uri "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].MicrosoftGraph)/v1.0/groups" -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf

confused by '$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].MicrosoftGraph)'? It´s basically a reference to the correct endpoint (think public cloud, sovereign clouds). You can of course also hardcode the endpoint URI:

AzAPICall -uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups" -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf

Example for Azure Resource Manager

List Azure Subscriptions (expect multiple results):

AzAPICall -uri "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions?api-version=2020-01-01" -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf

Get Azure Subscription (expect one result):

AzAPICall -uri "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)?api-version=2020-01-01" -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf -listenOn Content


Public functions

createBearerToken example:

$azAPICallConf = initAzAPICall
createBearerToken -AzAPICallConfiguration $azapicallconf -targetEndPoint 'Storage'
Write-Host 'here is the token:' $azAPICallConf['htBearerAccessToken'].Storage

Supported endpoints

EndpointEndpoint URL (AzureCloud)Variable
Microsoft Graphhttps://graph.microsoft.com$azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].MicrosoftGraph
ARM (Azure Resource Management)https://management.azure.com<br>(or regional: https://westus.management.azure.com)$azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM<br>(or regional: $azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARMwestus)
Azure Key Vaulthttps://vault.azure.net$azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].KeyVault
Log Analyticshttps://api.loganalytics.io/v1$azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].LogAnalytics
Storage (blob)https://<storageAccountName>.blob.core.windows.net / https://<storageAccountName>.blob.storage.azure.nethttps://storageAccountName.blob.core.windows.net / https://storageAccountName.blob.storage.azure.net
Monitor (ingest)https://<dce-endpoint>.ingest.monitor.azure.comhttps://dceEndpoint$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].MonitorIngest)

Add a new endpoint -> setAzureEnvironment.ps1

General Parameters

Parameters that can be used with the initAzAPICall cmdlet

Example: Initialize AzAPICall

DebugAzAPICallboolSet to true to enable debug output
SubscriptionId4AzContextstringSpecify if specific subscription should be used for the AzContext (Subscription Id / GUID)
TenantId4AzContextstringSpecify Tenant be used for the AzContext (Tenant Id / GUID)
WriteMethodstringWrite method. Debug, Error, Host, Information, Output, Progress, Verbose, Warning (default: host)
DebugWriteMethodstringWrite method in case of wanted or enforced debug. Debug, Error, Host, Information, Output, Progress, Verbose, Warning (default: host)
SkipAzContextSubscriptionValidationboolOnly use in case you do not have any valid (quotaId != AAD_* & state != disabled) subscriptions in your tenant OR you do not have any permissions on Azure Resources (Management Groups, Subscriptions, Resource Groups, Resources) and but want to connect non-ARM API endpoints such as Microsoft Graph etc. (Per default a subscription is expected to be present in the Az context, if not then AzAPICall will throw..).

AzAPICall Parameters

Parameters that can be used with the AzAPICall cmdlet

Example: AzAPICall -uri "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions?api-version=2020-01-01" -AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf

uristring$azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].MicrosoftGraph)/v1.0/groups which translates to: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groupsmandatory parameter ✅
AzAPICallConfigurationobjectSet of prebuilt ($azAPICallConf = initAzAPICall) variables required for AzAPICall operations (-AzAPICallConfiguration $azAPICallConf)mandatory parameter ✅
methodstringMethod for the API request (e.g. GET, POST, ..)default is GET
currentTaskstringFree text field; in case of error or enabled -DebugAzAPICall currentTask will be output to console
bodystringRequest Body for the API request - Example
callerstringSet the value to CustomDataCollection for parallelization to have different font colors for the debug output
consistencyLevelstringFor several OData query parameters the consistencyLevel-header need to be set to eventual
listenOnstringDepending to the expected response of the API call the following values are accepted: Value, Content, ContentProperties, Headers, StatusCode or Raw. 💡 An example for the ARM Subscriptions API: To get one defined subscription you would use -listenOn Content, for get/list all subscriptions you would use no -listenOn-parameter as the default listenOn-value would be Value. Think singular/pluraldefault is Value
noPagingswitchIf value is true paging will be deactivated and you will only get the defined number of $top results or Resource Graph limits any query to returning only 100 records. Otherwise, you can use $top to increase the result batches from default 100 up to 999 for the AzAPICall. Value for $top must range from 1 to 999
validateAccessswitchUse this parameter if you only want to validate that the requester has permissions to the enpoint, if authorization is denied AzAPICall returns 'failed'. (Using -validateAccess will set noPaging to true)
skipOnErrorCodeint32[]In some cases (e.g. trying to add a user to a group were the user is already a member of) the API responde with an http status code 400. This is an expected error. To not throw an error and exit the script, you can use this parameter and set an expected error status code like 400. You can also pass multiple errorcodes e.g. -skipOnErrorCode 400,409
unhandledErrorActionstringWhen a call to an API returns an Error, that error is processed by AzAPICallErrorHandler. If that error is unhandled, AzAPICallErrorHandler will log the error and Throw a message which terminates the script. This happens when parameter -unhandledErrorAction is set to Stop (which is also the default if not configured). When -unhandledErrorAction is set to Continue, AzAPICallErrorHandler logs the error including full details to raise an issue at the repo and continues processing. When -unhandledErrorAction is set to ContinueQuiet, AzAPICallErrorHandler only logs the error (excluding full details to raise an issue at the repo) and continues processingdefault is Stop, options: Continue, ContinueQuiet

Good to know

Don´t accept the defaults

By default, endPoints return results in batches of e.g. 100. You can increase the return count defining e.g. $top=999 ($top requires use of consistencyLevel = eventual)

AzAPICall Tracking

To get some insights on all API calls you can check the $azAPICallConf['arrayAPICallTracking'] object (synchronized ArrayList)

$azAPICallConf['arrayAPICallTracking'][0] | ConvertTo-Json
  "CurrentTask": "Microsoft Graph API: Get - Groups",
  "TargetEndpoint": "MicrosoftGraph",
  "Uri": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups?$top=999&$filter=(mailEnabled eq false and securityEnabled eq true)&$select=id,createdDateTime,displayName,description&$orderby=displayName asc&$count=true",
  "Method": "GET",
  "TryCounter": 0,
  "TryCounterUnexpectedError": 0,
  "RetryAuthorizationFailedCounter": 0,
  "RestartDueToDuplicateNextlinkCounter": 0,
  "TimeStamp": "2022011316040343",
  "Duration": 1.3137266,
  "StatusCode": 404,
  "StatusCodePhrase": "NotFound",
  "rawException": "{
                    "Exception": {
                      "Response": {
                        "Version": "1.1",
                        "Content": "System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionResponseContent",
                        "StatusCode": 404,
                        "ReasonPhrase": "Not Found",

As well you can see how fast a AzAPICall was responding:

($azAPICallConf['arrayAPICallTracking'].Duration | Measure-Object -Average -Maximum -Minimum) | ConvertTo-Json
  "Count": 1000,
  "Average": 0.4292551101999999,
  "Sum": null,
  "Maximum": 2.7991866,
  "Minimum": 0.263543,
  "StandardDeviation": null,
  "Property": null


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