

remark-lint-frontmatter-schema 📑

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Validate Markdown frontmatter YAML against an associated JSON schema with this remark-lint rule plugin.



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<sup><sub>(w. Astro Content — Editor)</sub></sup>


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Demo screenshot of frontmatter schema linter 1

Demo screenshot of frontmatter schema linter 2

Demo screenshot of frontmatter schema linter 3

👉  Play with pre-configured ./demo

Quick shallow clone with:

pnpx degit JulianCataldo/remark-lint-frontmatter-schema/demo ./demo



pnpm install -D \
remark remark-cli \
remark-frontmatter \

Remove -D flag for runtime unified MD / MDX pipeline (custom, Astro, Gatsby, etc.), for production.
Keep it if you just want to lint with CLI or your IDE locally, without any production / CI needs.

VS Code (optional)

code --install-extension unifiedjs.vscode-remark


CLI / IDE (VS Code) — Static linting

👉  See ./demo folder to get a working, pre-configured, bare project workspace.
You also get example Markdown files and associated schema to play with.
Supports remark-cli and/or unifiedjs.vscode-remark extension.

📌  Check out the demo/README.md for bootstrapping it.


Create the root config. file for remark to source from:
touch ./.remarkrc.mjs

Paste this base configuration:

import remarkFrontmatter from 'remark-frontmatter';
import remarkLintFrontmatterSchema from 'remark-lint-frontmatter-schema';

const remarkConfig = {
	plugins: [remarkFrontmatter, remarkLintFrontmatterSchema],
export default remarkConfig;

You can use YAML / JSON / …, too (uses cosmiconfig).

Schema example


type: object
    type: string
# …
🆕  Add references to external definitions (advanced)

Referencing schema definitions allows re-using bit and piece instead of duplicate them, accross your content schemas.

You can reference an external schema relatively, using $ref. For example we can -kind of- merge an host object with a reference properties:

The host schema, content/articles/index.schema.yaml

  - $ref: ../page.schema.yaml

  - properties:
        const: src/layouts/Article.astro
        type: string
          - Book
          - Movie
        type: string

      - layout
      - category

A referenced schema, content/page.schema.yaml

    type: string
    maxLength: 80
    # ...
  # ...

  - title

The result will be (virtually) the same as this:

    type: string
    maxLength: 80
    # ...
  # ...
    const: src/layouts/Article.astro
    type: string
      - Book
      - Movie
    type: string
  # ...

  - title
  - layout
  - category

Schemas associations

Inspired by VS Code JSON Schema and redhat.vscode-yaml conventions.

Inside frontmatter

See ./demo/content files for examples.

Schema association can be done directly inside the frontmatter of the Markdown file, relative to project root, thanks to the '$schema' key:

# From workspace root (`foo/…`, `/foo/…` or `./foo/…` is the same)
'$schema': content/creative-work.schema.yaml

# —Or— relatively, from this current file directory (`./foo/…` or `../foo/…`)
# '$schema': ../creative-work.schema.yaml

layout: src/layouts/Article.astro

title: Hello there
category: Book
# …

# You're welcome!

🌝  My **Markdown** content…  🌚
Globally, with patterns

Locally defined '$schema' takes precedence over global settings below.

const remarkConfig = {
	plugins: [
				schemas: {
					/* One schema for many files */
					'./content/creative-work.schema.yaml': [
						/* Per-file association */

						/* Support glob patterns ———v */
						// './content/creative-work/*.md',
						// …
						// `./` prefix is optional
						// 'content/creative-work/foobiz.md',

					// './content/ghost.schema.yaml': [
					//   './content/casper.md',
					//   './content/ether.md',
					// ],

'./foo', '/foo', 'foo', all will work.
It's always relative to your ./.remarkrc.mjs file, in your workspace root.

CLI usage

Linting whole workspace files (as ./**/*.md) with remark-cli:

pnpm remark .



Validate your schema with JSON meta schema

First, install the YAML for Visual Studio Code extension:

code --install-extension redhat.vscode-yaml

Then, add this to your .vscode/settings.json:

	"yaml.schemas": {
		"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#": ["content/**/*.schema.yaml"]
	/* ... */
ESLint MDX plugin setup

Will work with the ESLint VS Code extension and the CLI command.

Install the ESLint MDX plugin, the MDX VS Code extension and the ESLint VS Code extension.

Add this dependencies to your project:

pnpm i -D eslint eslint-plugin-mdx \
eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier

Add a .eslintrc.cjs:

/** @type {import("@types/eslint").Linter.Config} */

module.exports = {
	overrides: [
			files: ['*.md', '*.mdx'],
			extends: ['plugin:mdx/recommended'],

Add a .remarkrc.yaml (or JSON, etc.), e.g.:

  - remark-frontmatter

  - - remark-lint-frontmatter-schema
    - schemas:
          - content/blog-posts/*.{md,mdx}

  # - remark-preset-lint-consistent
  # - remark-preset-lint-markdown-style-guide
  # - remark-preset-lint-recommended


Lint with CLI:

pnpm eslint --ext .mdx .

Efforts has been made to have the best output for both remark and ESLint, for IDE extensions and CLIs.

Known issues

MD / MDX pipeline — Runtime validation

Use it as usual like any remark plugin inside your framework or your custom unified pipeline.

Custom pipeline

When processing Markdown as single files inside your JS/TS app.
An minimal example is provided in ./demo/pipeline.ts, you can launch it with pnpm pipeline from ./demo.

Schema should be provided programmatically like this:

// …
import remarkFrontmatter from 'remark-frontmatter';
import remarkLintFrontmatterSchema from 'remark-lint-frontmatter-schema';
import type { JSONSchema7 } from 'json-schema';
import { reporter } from 'vfile-reporter';

const mySchema: JSONSchema7 = {
	/* … */

const output = await unified()
	// Your pipeline (basic example)
	// …

	.use(remarkLintFrontmatterSchema, {
		/* Bring your own schema */
		embed: mySchema,

	// …

/* `path` is for debugging purpose here, as MD literal comes from your app. */
output.path = './the-current-processed-md-file.md';



  1:1  warning  Must have required property 'tag'  frontmatter-schema  remark-lint

⚠ 1 warning
Implementation living example

Checkout Astro Content repository.

<!-- It's a text based, structured content assistant, integrated in Astro, for edition and consumption. --> <!-- file or API based -->

Astro Content relies on this library, among others, for providing linting reports.

<!-- You can see **remark-lint-frontmatter-schema** in action, on **[this line, in Astro Content source](outdated)**. -->
Important foot-notes for custom pipeline

This is different from static linting, with VS Code extension or CLI.
It will not source .remarkrc (but you can source it by your own means, if you want).
In fact, it's not aware of your file structure, nor it will associate or import any schema / Markdown files.
That way, it will integrate easier with your own business logic and existing pipelines.
I found that static linting (during editing) / and runtime validation are two different uses cases enough to separate them in their setups, but I might converge them partially.


WIP. NOT tested yet! It is not a common use case for remark-lint.
Linting data inside frameworks are generally ignored.
AFAIK, messages data isn't forwarded to CLI output.
Feel free to open a PR if you have some uses cases in this area that need special care.
Maybe Astro or Astro Content could leverage these linter warnings in the future.

See global patterns schemas associations for settings reference.


In astro.config.mjs

// …
export default defineConfig({
  // …
  remarkPlugins: [
    // …
    ['remark-lint-frontmatter-schema', { schemas }],
    // …
  // …

In gatsby-config.js

	// …
	plugins: [
		// …
			resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-remark',
			options: {
				plugins: [
					// …
					['remark-lint-frontmatter-schema', { schemas }],
					// …
		// …


export interface Settings {
	 * Global workspace file associations mapping (for linter extension).
	 * **Example**: `'schemas/thing.schema.yaml': ['content/things/*.md']`
	schemas?: Record<string, string[]>;

	 * Direct schema embedding (for using inside an `unified` transform pipeline).
	 * Format: JSON Schema - draft-2019-09
	 * **Documentation**: https://ajv.js.org/json-schema.html#draft-07
	embed?: JSONSchema7;

	 * **Documentation**: https://ajv.js.org/options.html
	ajvOptions?: AjvOptions;

export interface FrontmatterSchemaMessage extends VFileMessage {
	schema: AjvErrorObject & { url: JSONSchemaReference };

Example of a VFileMessage content you could collect from this lint rule:

	// …
		// JS native `Error`
		"name": "Markdown YAML frontmatter error (JSON Schema)",
		"message": "Keyword: type\nType: string\nSchema path: #/properties/title/type",

		// `VFileMessage` (Linter / VS Code…)
		"reason": "/clientType: Must be equal to one of the allowed values",
		"line": 16,
		"column": 13,
		"url": "https://github.com/JulianCataldo/remark-lint-frontmatter-schema",
		"source": "remark-lint",
		"ruleId": "frontmatter-schema",
		"position": {
			"start": {
				"line": 16,
				"column": 13
			"end": {
				"line": 16,
				"column": 24
		"fatal": false,
		"actual": "Individuaaaaaaaal",
		"expected": ["Corporate", "Non-profit", "Individual"],
		// Condensed string, human readable version of AJV error object
		"note": "Keyword: enum\nAllowed values: Corporate, Non-profit, Individual\nSchema path: #/properties/clientType/enum",

		// AJV's `ErrorObject`
		"schema": {
			"url": "https://ajv.js.org/json-schema.html",
			"instancePath": "/clientType",
			"schemaPath": "#/properties/clientType/enum",
			"keyword": "enum",
			"params": {
				"allowedValues": ["Corporate", "Non-profit", "Individual"]
			"message": "must be equal to one of the allowed values"

<!-- # Todos -->


100% ESM, including dependencies.


Major dependencies:

ajv, yaml, remark, remark-frontmatter, unified, remark-cli

See CHANGELOG.md for release history.

Other projects 👀

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🔗  JulianCataldo.com