MurmurHash3: a pure Julia implementation of the MurmurHash3 functions
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Note: this can be used to replace the C MurmurHash library used by base Julia,
to implement a hash
function that gives compatible results.
This provides the following functions (written in pure Julia):
which hashes a UTF-8 (or ASCII, which is compatible) string
which can be used to hash an generic abstract string (by converting to UTF-8 on the fly, without having to allocate the string, working a few characters at a time)
Note that the hashes on 64-bit systems are not the same as on 32-bit systems
(this is true for base Julia hash
as well)
which creates a 32 bit hash from a UTF-8/ASCII string
(this works for String
, as well as some of the Str
types, such as ASCIIStr
, UTF8Str
, Binary
, Text1Str
can all be hashed directly)
(note, there is no mmhash32_c yet, so other strings have to be converted to String
type before hashing)
Julia uses the following code to create a hash using the C MurmurHash library:
const memhash = UInt === UInt64 ? :memhash_seed : :memhash32_seed
const memhash_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x71e729fd56419c81 : 0x56419c81
function hash(s::String, h::UInt)
h += memhash_seed
ccall(memhash, UInt, (Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, UInt32), s, sizeof(s), h % UInt32) + h
similar code, such as that in JuliaString/StrBase.jl/src/hash.jl
, implements the
function for all of the Str
types, but is specialized for performance based on the type of the string and whether or not it is aligned in memory.