This package, which builds on the Conda.jl package allows one to use conda as a BinDeps binary provider for Julia. While other binary providers like Homebrew.jl, AptGet or WinRPM.jl are platform-specific, CondaBinDeps.jl is a cross-platform alternative. It can also be used without administrator rights, in contrast to the current Linux-based providers.
As such, Conda.jl
primary audience is Julia packages developers who have a dependency on some native library.
is a package manager which started as the binary package manager for the
Anaconda Python distribution, but it also provides arbitrary packages. Instead
of the full Anaconda distribution, Conda.jl
uses the miniconda Python
environment, which only includes conda
and its dependencies.
is NOT an alternative Julia package manager, nor a way to manage
Python installations. It will not use any pre-existing Anaconda or Python
installation on your machine.
Basic functionality
You can install this package by running Pkg.add("CondaBinDeps")
at the Julia prompt. See the Conda.jl package for information on setting
up conda
environments, etcetera.
BinDeps integration: using Conda.jl as a package author
CondaBinDeps.jl can be used as a Provider
BinDeps with the Conda.Manager
type. You first need to write a conda
recipe, and upload the
corresponding build to binstar. Then, add CondaBinDeps in your
file, and add the following to your deps/build.jl
using BinDeps
netcdf = library_dependency("netcdf", aliases = ["libnetcdf" "libnetcdf4"])
using CondaBinDeps
provides(CondaBinDeps.Manager, "libnetcdf", netcdf)
If your dependency is available in another channel than the default one, you should register that channel.
provides(CondaBinDeps.Manager, "libnetcdf", netcdf)
If the binary dependency is only available for some OS, give this information to BinDeps:
provides(CondaBinDeps.Manager, "libnetcdf", netcdf, os=:Linux)
To tell BinDeps to install the package to an environment different from the
root environment, use EnvManager
provides(CondaBinDeps.EnvManager{:my_env}, "libnetcdf", netcdf)
Bugs and suggestions
CondaBinDeps has been tested on Linux, OS X, and Windows. It should work on all these platforms.
Please report any bug or suggestion as a github issue
The CondaBinDeps.jl package is licensed under the MIT Expat license, and is copyrighted by Guillaume Fraux and contributors.