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The goal of Graphs.jl is to offer a performant platform for network and graph analysis in Julia, following the example of libraries such as NetworkX in Python. To this end, Graphs.jl offers:


Installation is straightforward. First, enter Pkg mode by hitting ], and then run the following command:

pkg> add Graphs

Basic use

Graphs.jl includes numerous convenience functions for generating graphs, such as path_graph, which builds a simple undirected path graph of a given length. Once created, these graphs can be easily interrogated and modified.

julia> g = path_graph(6)
{6, 5} undirected simple Int64 graph

# Number of vertices
julia> nv(g)

# Number of edges
julia> ne(g)

# Add an edge to make the path a loop
julia> add_edge!(g, 1, 6);


The full documentation is available at GitHub Pages. Documentation for methods is also available via the Julia REPL help system. Additional tutorials can be found at JuliaGraphsTutorials.


We encourage you to cite our work if you have used our libraries, tools or datasets. Starring the Graphs.jl repository on GitHub is also appreciated.

The latest citation information may be found in the CITATION.bib file within the repository.


We welcome contributions and bug reports! Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for guidance on development and bug reporting.

JuliaGraphs development subscribes to the Julia Community Standards.

Related packages

It is an explicit design decision that any data not required for graph manipulation (attributes and other information, for example) is expected to be stored outside of the graph structure itself.

Additional functionality like advanced IO and file formats, weighted graphs, property graphs, and optimization-related functions can be found in the packages of the JuliaGraphs organization.

Project status

The Graphs.jl project is a reboot of the LightGraphs.jl package (archived in October 2021), which remains available on GitHub at sbromberger/LightGraphs.jl. If you don't need any new features developed since the fork, you can continue to use older versions of LightGraphs.jl indefinitely. New versions will be released here using the name Graphs.jl instead of LightGraphs.jl. There was an older package also called Graphs.jl. The source history and versions are still available in this repository, but the current code base is unrelated to the old Graphs.jl code and is derived purely from LightGraphs.jl. To access the history of the old Graphs.jl code, you can start from commit 9a25019.

Transition from LightGraphs to Graphs

LightGraphs.jl and Graphs.jl are functionally identical, still there are some steps involved making the change:

About versions