


A Julia port of "Routines for Arbitrary Precision Floating-point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates" by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html

The package provides four predicates. In the functions below, all the inputs should be NTuples with either Float64 or Float32 coordinates; complex inputs can be used for orient2 and incircle.

We also define the functions orient2p, orient3p, incirclep, and inspherep which simply return the sign of the corresponding predicate. For example,

julia> using AdaptivePredicates

julia> pa, pb, pc = (0.2, 0.3), (0.1, -0.5), (0.7, 0.3);

julia> orient2(pa, pb, pc)

julia> orient2p(pa, pb, pc)

julia> pa, pb, pc, pd, pe = (0.3f0, 0.3f0, 0.17f0), (-0.3f0, 1.71f0, 0.0f0), (0.0f0, 0.0f0, 5.0f0), (1.1f0, -0.53f0, 1.2f0), (0.5f0, 0.50f0, 0.5f0);

julia> insphere(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe)

julia> inspherep(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe)


If you want to use the package, you can do

using Pkg
using AdaptivePredicates

Other Functions

All the functions from the predicates.c file from Shewchuk's original code have been included in this package. This includes,

Only the functions orient2, orient3, incircle, and insphere have been marked as public, as well as their p and fast counterparts.


Shewchuk's original paper gives no analysis in the presence of underflow or overflow. The only mention of it is:

This article does not address issues of overflow and underflow, so I allow the exponent to be an integer in the range $[-\infty, \infty]$. (Fortunately, many applications have inputs whose exponents fall within a circumscribed range. The four predicates implemented for this article will not overflow nor underflow if their inputs have exponents in the range $[-142, 201]$ and IEEE 754 double precision arithmetic is used.)

Note that this range comes from the insphere predicate. The number range is much wider for orient2, for example, since it requires far fewer additions, subtractions, and multiplications.

Thus, for some numbers, the values returned from these predicates may be invalid due to underflow or overflow. In ranges where this is a concern, you should use ExactPredicates.jl instead. If you need the values of the predicates and not just their signs, but are outside of the range valid for AdaptivePredicates.jl, you are unfortunately out of luck.

If you need more information about how these predicates work, you should refer to Shewchuk's paper.


The original code is in the public domain and this Julia port is under the MIT License.