


Flexible and performant GEMM kernels in Julia

This package contains a framework to instantiate flexible, performant GEMM (General Matrix Multiplication) kernels. You can use this framework to define your own GEMM kernels, or use one of the predefined interfaces that this package also provides.

Quick start

The package can be installed using Julia's built-in package manager. Open the Julia REPL, type ] to enter Pkg-mode, and run:

pkg> add GemmKernels

Most people will be interested in the BLAS-like interface that is available as GemmKernels.mul!:

julia> using GemmKernels, CUDA

julia> A = CUDA.rand(2048, 2048)
julia> B = CUDA.rand(2048, 2048)
julia> C = CUDA.zeros(2048, 2048)

julia> GemmKernels.mul!(C, A, B)

For more control, e.g. to use optimized layouts, or fuse the multiplication with a bias, you need to use the low-level GemmKernels.matmul interface (see the examples directory).


The kernels in this package are expected to deliver around 50% to 80% of the performance of the state-of-the-art libraries like cuBLAS and CUTLASS. The exact performance depends on the specific invocation (e.g. the size of the matrices, the data type, etc.), and the GPU architecture.

For example, on an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti, we can achieve competitive performance for a mixed-precision multiplication of FP16 inputs and FP32 output:

Performance Graph


The GEMM kernels above are implemented using a framework that decomposes GEMM kernels into orthogonal components:

Each of these components corresponds to a set of functions with a predetermined interface. These functions can be customised by the user through Julia's multiple dispatch functionality.

The package currently provides two main operators, both of which for NVIDIA GPUs:

Optimized layouts are available for diagonal matrices and matrices of complex/dual numbers.


For more details on the implementation and performance results, please see our accompanying paper (pre-print available on arXiv). The CITATION.bib file in the root of this repository contains a citation in BibTeX format.