

MPIB: An MPI-Based Bokeh Rendering Framework for Realistic Partial Occlusion Effects (ECCV 2022)

Juewen Peng<sup>1</sup>, Jianming Zhang<sup>2</sup> Xianrui Luo<sup>1</sup>, Hao Lu<sup>1</sup>, Ke Xian<sup>1*</sup>, Zhiguo Cao<sup>1</sup>,

<sup>1</sup>Huazhong University of Science and Technology, <sup>2</sup>Adobe Research

<p align="center"> <img src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38718148/178954886-9c8bc5bf-fdb2-4bba-bbcc-2b77831884e8.jpg width="90%"> </p>

Project | Paper | Supp | Poster | Video

This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of the ECCV 2022 paper "MPIB: An MPI-Based Bokeh Rendering Framework for Realistic Partial Occlusion Effects".


git clone https://github.com/JuewenPeng/MPIB.git
pip install -r requirements.txt


Download pretrained models from Google Drive or Baidu Netdisk, and put them in the directory checkpoints. Note that we use LaMa as our inpainting model, and inpnet.pth orignates from https://github.com/saic-mdal/lama.

Run the following inference code.

python demo.py --image_path 'inputs/new_11_all-in-focus.jpg' --disp_path 'inputs/new_11_disparity.jpg' --save_dir 'outputs' --K 60 --disp_focus 207/255 --gamma 2.2

See demo.py for more details.


If you find our work useful in your research, please cite our paper.

  title = {MPIB: An MPI-Based Bokeh Rendering Framework for Realistic Partial Occlusion Effects},
  author = {Peng, Juewen and Zhang, Jianming and Luo, Xianrui and Lu, Hao and Xian, Ke and Cao, Zhiguo},
  booktitle = {The Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
  year = {2022}