


auto install Python3 and pip
support CentOS 6+/Debian 8+/Ubuntu 14+

Install without compile(recommend)

source <(curl -sL https://python3.netlify.app/install.sh)

Install with compile(latest version)

source <(curl -sL https://python3.netlify.app/install.sh) --latest

Install with compile(special version)

source <(curl -sL https://python3.netlify.app/install.sh) -v 3.6.5

Only install python3

source <(curl -sL https://python3.netlify.app/install.sh) --nopip

Compile with custom param

source <(curl -sL https://python3.netlify.app/install.sh) --latest --enable-optimizations

find the special version in python_version_list, script will auto download and compile it

if os openssl version less than 1.0.2 , script will auto install latest openssl before compile python3, it may be have risk(except new install os), so recommend install without compile way