

MicroPython P1 meter



If you want to monitor your energy usage

The P1_Meter is a a sensor device that:

in addition it:

Hardware & Firmware



Install the P1 meter software on the ESP32 MCU

Assembling the P1 meter circuit diagram

the circuit is quite simple:

  1. ESP32, any devkit will do and will allow you to simply flash the Firmware and power the ESP by USB
  2. a 1K Ohm resistor , needed to stabilize the serial data by pulling it to +3.3 volt
  3. a female RJ-12 (or RJ11) connector, or you could solder a 4 wire phone cable directly to the board optionally
  4. some sort of case / box or container
  5. a small piece of perfboard , although if you want it should be able to solder directly on the devkit as well
  6. a string of 3 neopixel leds to provide status on Network , MQTT and the received P1 data, if you rather want a few simple leds to provide signals there are enough pins left , but switched to neopixels to simplify the wiring. the code should be in one of the earlier commits.

circuit diagram

The ESP hardware UART 1 is used to connect to pin 2 ( you specify in config.py this allows normal functionality to use the USB port (UART 0) for configuration and monitoring of the ESP32.

Connection to P1 meter

The RJ12 connector in the electricity meter uses the following layout Rj12

Connect the ESP32 to an RJ12 cable/connector using the below diagram.

Connection via straight 4/6 wire cable :
Note: This will reverse the pin numbers on the female connector that you are using

RJ12 P1cableRJ12 MeterESP32 PinRJ12 6w cable4w cablecomments
1 - 5v out===>65v or Vin[Optional] 1️⃣
2 - CTS<---5gpio-5blueblackClear to Send, High = allow P1 Meter to send data
3 - Data GND----4GNDblackred
4 - nc3-green
5 - RXD (data)--->2gpio-15yellowyellow1K external pull-up resistor needed
6 - Power GND<===1GND[Optional] 1️⃣

1️⃣ max 250 mA When using a 6 pin cable you can use the power source provided by the meter.

Adjusting for Straight or Cross cables

If you are unsure which cable will be used to connect, or if you want to build some flexibility in your hardware design , it is possible to allow both cable types by :

this will ten allow you to swap the functions of pin 18 and 19 from

RJ12 P1cableStraight CableCross Cable-
1 - 5v out===>16not connected
2 - CTS<---25CTS / RXD software select
3 - GND data----34\ GND
4 - GND data----43/ GND
5 - RXD (data)--->52RDX / CTS software select
6 - GND power<===61not connected

I recommend that in this design you do not connect the Power 5v to your board

Internal wiring:

P1 In Connector

ESP32 PinColorFemale Connector
GNDblackpin 4 & 3
gpio-2pale bluepin 5
gpio-5yellow/blkpin 2


3 Neopixel Leds (top to bottom):

2P1 meterCRC ErrorCRC OKBlue: data received , Purple : Simulator sending Data
1mqttNot connectedConnected to MQTT brokerYellow: Data could not be send to Broker
0wifiNot connectedIP address acquired

configuration file

<document What to change in the config file>

Please adjust the relevant settings in config.py

# Serial Pins for meter connection
# TX pin is only used for testing/simulation but needs to be specified
RX_PIN_NR = const(2)
TX_PIN_NR = const(15)
RTS_PIN_NR = const(5)

# Base SSID to connect to
homenet = {'SSID': 'IoT', 'password': 'MicroPython'}

#the mqtt broker to connect to
broker = {'server': 'homeassistant.local', 'user': 'sensor', 'password': 'beepbeep'}

HOST_NAME = b'p1_meter_' + hexlify(unique_id())
ROOT_TOPIC = b"p1_meter"

#also publish telegram as json
publish_as_json = False

Updating the configuration over WiFi

Assuming that you have cloned the repo to your PC , and have updated the configuration file config.py . You will need to transfer the updated configuration file to the ESP32.

You can do this via serial connection, or as the P1_meter and your pc are likely in in different locations you can do this over WifI

Uploading config.py using webrepl

The MicroPython webrepl is started as part of the standard configuration, and advertises itself as p1_meter.local using the standard webrepl port (8266).

If you are on the same network , this allows you to connect to the P1_meter to verify its operation.

The below link uses the hosted webrepl, and specifies the board to connect to. http://micropython.org/webrepl/#p1_meter.local:8266/


  1. [Connect] to the board

  2. Enter the current webrepl password. default: p1meter

  3. Select the config.py file to upload

  4. click [Send to device]

  5. Click in the terminal window

  6. Press Ctrl-C once, to interrupt the running instance. You should see something like the below, and the 3 leds will turn red

    INFO     mqttclient Published 4 meter readings                                  
    INFO     main       Clear async loop retained state                             
    Rebooting in 30 seconds, Ctrl-C to abort  
  7. the device will automatically reboot in 30 seconds, and the new configuration will be activated.


Updating configuration or code via passive ftp

<img src="docs/img/image-20201220225411048.png" alt="image-20201220225411048" style="zoom:50%;" />

Prereqs :



As the software is written in Micropython building is not needed. if you really want or need to minimize the footprint on the device you can pre-compile the .py files to .mpy using the micropython cross-compiler


You can run the built-in simulator for testing (using TX_PIN_NR)

  # Serial Pins for meter connection
  # TX pin is only used for testing/simulation but needs to be specified
  RX_PIN_NR = const(2)
  TX_PIN_NR = const(15)
  CTS_PIN_NR = const(5)

  # A few Leds - optional
  NEOPIXEL_PIN = const(13)

- edit the configuration file `config.py` to enable the Simulator 
    RUN_SIM = True

Simulation / test mode

The p1 meter comes with a built-in test and simulation mode that allows you to test and change the software, without needing to physically connect it to a electricity meter.

this simulation mode can be enabled by wiring, or by making a change to the config.py file

To enable this via wiring:

  1. Connect Pin 18 --> GND , enable Simulator
  2. Connect Pin 15 --> Pin 2 , connect simulator TX to RX

By default:

simulated output in mqtt

To change the fake message see p1meter_sym.py