


SSR solution for Unity URP. Supports Linear Tracing and Hi Z tracing. The package includes SSR render feature and Hierarchical Min-Z Depth Buffer render feature. Created by Joshua Lim

9/10/23 4.2.0 - 4.1.0 changelog

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enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Installation Instructions:


  1. Copy: "https://github.com/JoshuaLim007/Unity-ScreenSpaceReflections-URP.git"
  2. Go into the package manager in unity
  3. Select "add package from git url"
  4. Paste the link into the text entry
  5. Press "add"


In your URP Asset SSR ScreenShot 1

Tracing Modes

enter image description here Hi Z tracing requires "Depth Pyramid" render feature to be added in the pipeline asset. The Depth Pyramid is included in this package.


enter image description here

Changing settings during runtime

void LimSSR.SetSettings(ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings o)

For the best quality, try to minimize StepStrideLength and maximize MaxSteps

bool LimSSR.Enabled

Enables or disables the SSR shader

static RaytraceModes TracingMode

Sets the tracing mode: Linear tracing, or Hi Z tracing

Known Limitations and bugs

Resources and References

Screen Space Reflection | 3D Game Shaders For Beginners (lettier.github.io)

Screen Space Reflections : Implementation and optimization – Part 1 : Linear Tracing Method – Sugu Lee (wordpress.com)

Screen Space Reflections : Implementation and optimization – Part 2 : HI-Z Tracing Method – Sugu Lee (wordpress.com)

bitsquid: development blog: Notes On Screen Space HIZ Tracing

Screen Space Reflections in Killing Floor 2 (sakibsaikia.github.io)

Hierarchical Depth Buffers - Mike Turitzin