

Collection of my Nuclei Templates. If I can validate a template for false positives I will create a pull request to https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates. Most of the templates here are templates that I do not validate, so false positives a likely going to occur. Create an issue if a false positive occurs and I'll see what I can do. None of the templates created will test for DoS.


This filter will check if /jwks.json or /.well-known/jsk.json is exposed. This is not a security threat if only public keys are exposed, but sometimes developers may exposed private keys in this file as well. Even if no secret key components are exposed, the knowledge of public keys may be useful for other attacks, such as algorithm and key confusion for example.


Due to incorrect configuration, Enovy proxy discloses sensitive information about the target in the "x-envoy-peer-metadata" response header.


XSS in Oracle Business Intelligence. This template is credited to pikpikcu. It has false positives, but still worth a try.


The Host Authorization middleware in Action Pack before, suffers from an open redirect vulnerability. Specially crafted Host headers in combination with certain "allowed host" formats can cause the Host Authorization middleware in Action Pack to redirect users to a malicious website. Impacted applications will have allowed hosts with a leading dot. When an allowed host contains a leading dot, a specially crafted Host header can be used to redirect to a malicious website.


All credit goes to pikpikcu. There was an error when compiling pikpikcu's previous script line 10: field issues not found in type model.Info. I just removed the issues field. LinkedIn Oncall through 1.4.0 allows reflected XSS via /query because of mishandling of the "No results found for" message in the search bar.


All credit goes to Maximus Decimus. Template found here: https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates/issues/6200


Tiny file manager has a default login of admin:admin@123. This repository has 3.4k stars on GitHub. The motivation for creating this template is this hackerone report: https://hackerone.com/reports/1747146. PR has been created: https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates/pull/6299


ThinkPHP <6.0.14 RCE - No clue if this is even true, but I've seen a few tweets about it, so here is the nuclei template.


An early release of PHP, the PHP 8.1.0-dev version was released with a backdoor on March 28th 2021, but the backdoor was quickly discovered and removed. If this version of PHP runs on a server, an attacker can execute arbitrary code by sending the User-Agentt header.


Detects Salesforce misconfigured/exposed objects. Once the objects are detected, it may require more work to find vulnerabilities depending on what type of object is exposed. Here is my work on the subject: https://github.com/JoshMorrison99/Salesforce-Misconfigured-Objects/edit/main/README.md image


Used to detect salesforce aura API. This is used as a base template in the Salesforce workflow to advance to other salesforce misonfigurations.


This can be detected with https://github.com/0ang3el/aem-hacker, but it will give false positive since it is not checking if the response is text/html. The vulnerability is Exposed MergeMetadataServlet and can be read more about here:


All credit goes to aufzayed. x-forwarded-for is a common bypass for 403.


All credit goes to omarhashem123. Follow him on twitter here: https://twitter.com/OmarHashem666


All credit goes to omarhashem123. Follow him on twitter here: https://twitter.com/OmarHashem666


This template is more used for finderprinting the technology of CVE-2022-46169 rather than actually exploiting it. If this template goes get triggered, then it is a good idea to follow the steps outlined in the PoC below to try and exploit it. If you do end up finding a vulnerable website, you can use this metasploit module to exploit it: https://twitter.com/WynterErik/status/1605958628938108928


XXE vulnerability - A flaw was found in pki-core. Access to external entities when parsing XML documents can lead to XML external entity (XXE) attacks. This flaw allows a remote attacker to potentially retrieve the content of arbitrary files by sending specially crafted HTTP requests.


This vulnerability allows remote attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of WordPress Core, Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability, The specific flaw exists within the WP_Query class, The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to construct SQL queries, An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to disclose stored credentials, leading to further compromise.


This CVE is already in the main nuclei template repository, but I added onto it due to this tweet: https://twitter.com/0x_rood/status/1603473550714802181. The additional check is for jk_status.


This template can be used to find vhost. It does bruteforce of 1000 common vhosts names.


PoC available here: https://github.com/Mad-robot/wordpress-exploits/blob/master/plugins/duplicator%20Path%20Traversal.md?plain=1


Liferay Portal 7.1.0 and earlier is vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE) via deserialization of JSON data. This template will produce some false positives.



Kanboard is project management software that focuses on the Kanban methodology. It has around 7k stars on GitHub. Default Login is admin:admin. Created a pull request to main repository.


Through some google dorking I found that a lot of companies host their nexus repositories at the /nexus endpoint. I added the line to check that endpoint.


This template is used to check for older versions of nexus repository manager.


This template looks for NODE_ENV keyword. In NodeJS, NODE_ENV commonly holds sensitive information.


This template look for Django Debug mode set to True by checking for default 404 pages


This template look for Django Debug mode set to True by checking for default CSRF pages


This template looks for the Ruby on Rails routes endpoint