

Geiger counter with micropython card

Hardware Design

Geiger tube SBM-20: http://www.gstube.com/data/2398/

Pyboard: http://micropython.org

High voltage generator from http://www.mare.ee/indrek/geiger/

Digitization of tube discharges from http://www.techlib.com/science/geiger.html (with one gate of 4093 and 3.3V supply)

Power supply from http://1wt.eu/articles/alix-ups and http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/268/22008a-53656.pdf

Wireless serial port with wixel: http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J46/all

Log device: fram http://www.cypress.com/?docID=50514

Temp & humidity sensor am2302: https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/Temperature/DHT22.pdf

Buzzer: ZX-27T6A1 at http://dx.com

Micropython card pins used:

Y12    IN/OUT AM2302
Y10    IN     TIM2_CH4  GEIGER
Y2     IN Rx    POLOLOU
Y11    OUT    Power POLOLOU
VDD    VDD    3.3V
Y3     OUT    SCK FRAM
Y4     OUT    CS  FRAM
Y5     OUT    SI  FRAM
Y6     IN     SO  FRAM
Y8     OUT    BUZZER
Y9     OUT    RELAY
X3     FREE   For testing
X4     FREE   For testing
X5     FREE   For testing

photo of mounted proto board here Software Design

Buzzer is activated with programming PWM signal at 3.5Khz.

AM2302 is one wire, Pin has to be changed from output to input.

fram has an SPI interface. It is harcoded in python as individual pins.

The core is the interrupt handler awaken by the discharges of the tube.