Data Driven Rendering
Testing data driven rendering code using ImGUI and SDL.<br> This is a Visual Studio 2017 + Windows 10 only tested code.<br> The interesting part of the code is self contained and should be easily portable.<br>
Refer to articles at for more informations, and in the following sections to know more.
This code is not bound only to a platform or API, it is just a demonstration and an experiment to craft a language and generate code.
In order to build the included solution, do the following:
- Download SDL 2.0.9, Glew 2.1.0
- Unzip them in a common folder
- Add the environment variable LIB_PATH pointing to that folder
- Copy the x64 dll of SDL and GLEW into the Bin folder.
- Compile and run!
Directory Layout
In general the subdivision is the following:
- All the source code in the source/ folder.
- All the Visual Studio projects are in the project/ folder.
- All the Shaders, Textures, Models and data are in data/ folder.
To better separate the article-related code, I put the relevant classes in the different folders.<br>
The first two articles about creating a custom shader language, HFX are in data/articles/CustomShaderLanguage and source/articles/CustomShaderLanguage. These are the articles: and
The Material System article and Render Pipeline article have the source separated, but data shared: source/articles/MaterialSystem the code for
source/articles/RenderPipeline the code for
With the evolutions of the APIs (hydra_***) I will separate even further the code so that I can change the libraries as I want, probably having a snapshot of the used libraries and the code that works in that state.
Hydra Definition Format
HDF is a custom format similar to Flatbuffers (but with less feature) and used to start the journey on code generation.<br> The code is all in CodeGenerator.h and Lexer.h.
The code is based on this article:
It parses a HDF file format and generates a C++ header.
Hydra Effects
HFX is another format to write shaders, similar to Unity ShaderLab.<br> It does not want to replace any Shader Language, but rather add support for missing features like:
- Defining Render States
- Defining Resource Lists
- Defining Material Properties
- Compiling shader parts in separate files
- Compiling shaders informations in one binary file
- (Still not done) Compiling permutations
It is relative to the following articles:
(and soon more!).
HFX is a simple language to help generating rendering code.<br> The render API is a simple custom made hydra_graphics(.h/.cpp).
Here is an example of HFX, currently used to draw ImGui:
shader ImGui {
// For the artist
properties {
// For the developer
layout {
list Local {
cbuffer LocalConstants;
texture2D Texture;
glsl ToScreen {
#pragma include "Platform.h"
#if defined VERTEX
layout (location = 0) in vec2 Position;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 UV;
layout (location = 2) in vec4 Color;
uniform LocalConstants { mat4 ProjMtx; };
out vec2 Frag_UV;
out vec4 Frag_Color;
void main()
Frag_UV = UV;
Frag_Color = Color;
gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1);
out vec4 vTexCoord;
#endif // VERTEX
#if defined FRAGMENT
in vec2 Frag_UV;
in vec4 Frag_Color;
uniform sampler2D Texture;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 Out_Color;
void main()
Out_Color = Frag_Color * texture(Texture,;
#endif // FRAGMENT
pass ToScreen {
// stage = fullscreen
resources = Local
vertex = ToScreen
fragment = ToScreen
Please read the articles to know more!
Any comment, feedback, error please contact me.
Thank you!