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This boilerplate has Legacy version


[!NOTE] This project is listed in the Awesome Vite

[!TIP] Share storage state between all pages


Table of Contents


This boilerplate helps you create Chrome/Firefox extensions using React and Typescript. It improves the build speed and development experience by using Vite and Turborepo.


Getting started

  1. When you're using Windows run this:

    • git config --global core.eol lf
    • git config --global core.autocrlf input

    This will set the EOL (End of line) character to be the same as on Linux/macOS. Without this, our bash script won't work, and you will have conflicts with developers on Linux/macOS.

  2. Clone this repository.

  3. Edit /packages/i18n/locales/{your locale(s)}/messages.json

  4. In the objects extensionDescription and extensionName, change the message fields (leave description alone)

  5. In /.package.json, change the version to the desired version of your extension.

  6. Install pnpm globally: npm install -g pnpm (check your node version >= 18.19.1))

  7. Run pnpm install

Then, depending on the target browser:

For Chrome: <a name="getting-started-chrome"></a>

  1. Run:
    • Dev: pnpm dev (on Windows, you should run as administrator; see issue#456)
    • Prod: pnpm build
  2. Open in browser - chrome://extensions
  3. Check - <kbd>Developer mode</kbd>
  4. Click - <kbd>Load unpacked</kbd> in the upper left corner
  5. Select the dist directory from the boilerplate project

For Firefox: <a name="getting-started-firefox"></a>

  1. Run:
    • Dev: pnpm dev:firefox
    • Prod: pnpm build:firefox
  2. Open in browser - about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
  3. Click - <kbd>Load Temporary Add-on...</kbd> in the upper right corner
  4. Select the ./dist/manifest.json file from the boilerplate project

[!NOTE] In Firefox, you load add-ons in temporary mode. That means they'll disappear after each browser close. You have to load the add-on on every browser launch.

Install dependency for turborepo: <a name="install-dependency"></a>

For root: <a name="install-dependency-for-root"></a>

  1. Run pnpm i <package> -w

For module: <a name="install-dependency-for-module"></a>

  1. Run pnpm i <package> -F <module name>

package - Name of the package you want to install e.g. nodemon
module-name - You can find it inside each package.json under the key name, e.g. @extension/content-script, you can use only content-script without @extension/ prefix

Environment variables

To add an environment variable:

  1. Copy .example.env to .env (in the same directory)

  2. Add a new record inside .env, prefixed with VITE_, e.g. VITE_MY_API_KEY=...

  3. Edit ./vite-env.d.ts and in the ImportMetaEnv interface, add your variable with the appropriate type, e.g.

    readonly VITE_MY_API_KEY: string;

  4. Then you can read the variable via import.meta.env.VITE_MY_API_KEY (learn more at Env Variables and Modes)

If you want to set it for each package independently:

  1. Create .env inside that package
  2. Open related vite.config.mts and add envDir: '.' at the end of this config
  3. Rest steps like above

Remember you can't use global and local at the same time for the same package(It will be overwritten)

Boilerplate structure <a name="structure"></a>

Chrome extension <a name="structure-chrome-extension"></a>

The extension lives in the chrome-extension directory and includes the following files:

[!IMPORTANT] To facilitate development, the boilerplate is configured to "Read and change all your data on all websites". In production, it's best practice to limit the premissions to only the strictly necessary websites. See Declaring permissions and edit manifest.js accordingly.

Pages <a name="structure-pages"></a>

Code that is transpiled to be part of the extension lives in the pages directory.

Packages <a name="structure-packages"></a>

Some shared packages:


Hot module reload seems to have frozen

If saving source files doesn't cause the extension HMR code to trigger a reload of the browser page, try this:

  1. Ctrl+C the development server and restart it (pnpm run dev)
  2. If you get a grpc error, kill the turbo process and run pnpm dev again.


To chat with other community members, you can join the Discord server. You can ask questions on that server, and you can also help others.

Also, suggest new features or share any challenges you've faced while developing Chrome extensions!


Star History <a name="star-history"></a>

<a href="https://star-history.com/#Jonghakseo/chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite&Date"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=Jonghakseo/chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite&type=Date&theme=dark" /> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=Jonghakseo/chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite&type=Date" /> <img alt="Star History Chart" src="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=Jonghakseo/chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite&type=Date" /> </picture> </a>

Contributors <a name="contributors"></a>

This Boilerplate is made possible thanks to all of its contributors.

<a href="https://github.com/Jonghakseo/chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite/graphs/contributors"> <img width="500px" src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=Jonghakseo/chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite" alt="All Contributors"/> </a>

Special Thanks To

<a href="https://jb.gg/OpenSourceSupport"><img width="40" src="https://resources.jetbrains.com/storage/products/company/brand/logos/jb_beam.png" alt="JetBrains Logo (Main) logo."></a><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/j-acks0n"><img width="40" style="border-radius:50%" src='https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/23139754' alt='Jackson Hong'/></a>

Made by Jonghakseo