


Depix-HMM is a tool for recovering text from pixelized screenshots. As can be inferred from the project name, it was inspired by the Depix library and uses an HMM-based approach, which is supposed to result in a higher accuracy and flexibility.

It is an open source implementation of the paper On the (In)effectiveness of Mosaicing and Blurring as Tools for Document Redaction by Hill, Zhou, Saul and Shacham. I recommend checking out the paper, it is a very insightful read and provides the necessary background I neither have the time nor space to explain in this readme.


Below is an example with a font size of 50 and a pixelization block size of 12:



Hidden Markov Models

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are a way to model a large array of problems as graphs. In contrast to the simpler Markov Chain, the so called states aren't accessible in a Hidden Markov Model. Instead, we can only access an observation that is derived from the underlying state.

In the (simplified) illustration below, the observations are the color values of the pixelized grid. The hidden states are the respective underlying original character:

In addition to <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=S=\{s_1, ..., s_N\}"> (the set of hidden states of the model) and <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=V=\{v_1, ..., v_M\}"> (the set of observable symbols), the following three probabilities are required to fully describe the model:


Generating Training Data

To estimate values for the three probability matrices defining the Hidden Markov Model, training data is generated.

First, a list of texts is generated that mimics the text to be pixelized. This could be passwords containing digits, upper- and lowercase letters with a length between 6 and 9, matching the regex [a-zA-Z\d]{6,9}. Or it could be a dump of real-life email addresses or words from English wikipedia articles.

Next, the texts are rendered using the same font and fontsize of the pixelized image with the unknown text. These images are then pixelized. Since we generated these images ourselves, we can then cut the pixelized images into windows with known hidden state (the characters at the position of the windows). From there, it is trivial to calculate starting probabilities <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=\pi_i"> and transition probabilities <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=a_{ij}">.

As mentioned before, generating the emission probabilities requires an extra step. To reduce the number of possible observable states, the windows are clustered according to their pixel values. Taking the example from the illustration below, we can see that a window that falls into the left-most cluster has a 50% probability of encoding the tuple (1,2) and (2,3), respectively. A window falling into the top-right cluster always encodes the tuple (1).

Recovering Hidden Text

The pixelized image with the unkown text is then fed into the trained Hidden Markov Model. It will be cut into windows the same way the training data was. Each window is then assigned to the nearest cluster and the Viterbi Algorithm is used to recover the most likely sequence of hidden states.

This could result in the tuples (1), (1,2), (1,2), (2), (2,3), (3,4), ... from which the original text can be reconstructed to be 1234...

Installation and Usage

Download the repository.

Set up and activate your virtual environment. On windows, for example, type into your console:

python -m venv venv

Install the packages from the requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Use the code samples from the examples and experiments folder to get started. If you want to use the code to recover text from your own images, read the sections below. Providing an easy-to-use tool with a good user experience honestly wasn't the goal of this project. Reach out to me though, I'm more than happy to help you out.

Correct Cropping of Images

Font Metrics

To start out with, font metrics can be quite complex. As a quick overview, see the image below. The red line is the so-called baseline, on which the letters 'sit' on top. While the ascent measures the maximum height a letter of this font can have, most letters will only reach the smaller cap height.

How to Crop Your Image

My implementation of the algorithm is a bit dumb. For example, when we care about images containing only digits, it is obvious that black pixels can only be found between the baseline and the cap height, and not above or below. However, the algorithm creates its training data over the full height (ascent + descent) that the font could possibly have, and so you have to crop accordingly!

See the image below: Intuitively, one would have cropped at the red border, however the green border is correct! With the font size and y-offset of the pixelization, there is one "invisible" grid-row on top, and two on the bottom.

It is relatively easy to crop the images in the training pipeline, I just haven't come around to doing it.

Explanation of Parameters

Configuring the code is done by setting two sets of parameters. The first set are the PictureParameters. They contain the following values:

The second set are the TrainingParameters:

When using PictureParametersGridSearch and TrainingParametersGridSearch, some of these parameters can be turned into lists. Grid search will be performed. See the parameters.py file for further information. Also remember the information given above under the n_img_test bullet point when doing a grid search.

There is an additional LoggingParameters, which is self-explanatory.

Final Thoughts

I replicated the author's most simple experiment (p. 409ff) with US bank account numbers (see the appropriately named experiment_bank_account_numbers.py for more details) and can confirm their findings.

As mentioned above, the repository at its current state provides a working, but very proof-of-concept-y implementation of the original paper. Be ready for some frustration when you let it loose on your own images. I'm happy to help out if you have an interesting use case!

For a more refined experience, I would recommend the highly popular Depix tool.