



LIO_SAM_6AXIS is an open-source SLAM project based on the project LIO_SAM that has been modified to support a wider range of sensors. It includes support for a 6-axis IMU and low-cost GNSS, making it easier to adapt for your own sensor setup.

<img src="README/image-20220609035032131.png" alt="image-20220609035032131" style="zoom: 67%;" />


LIO_SAM_6AXIS includes the following features:

Getting Started

To get started with LIO_SAM_6AXIS, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/JokerJohn/LIO_SAM_6AXIS.git
  1. Install the dependencies:
catkin build
  1. Launch the roslaunch file for your sensor setup:
# set your bag_path here
roslaunch lio_sam_6axis test_vlp16.launch

For more information on how to use LIO_SAM_6AXIS, see the video tutorial and documentation.

  1. finally, save your point cloud map.
# map is in the LIO-SAM-6AXIS/data 
rosservice call /lio_sam_6axis/save_map
<img src="README/image-20220609044824460.png" alt="image-20220609044824460" style="zoom: 80%;" />
  1. for docker support.

Dockerfile is for people who don't want to break their own environment.

# please cd the folder which have Dockerfile first, approximately 10mins based on your internet and CPU
docker build -t zhangkin/lio_sam_6axis .

docker run -it --net=host --gpus all --name lio_sam_6axis zhangkin/lio_sam_6axis /bin/zsh

# OR -v to link the folder from your computer into container (your_computer_loc:container_loc)
docker run -it --net=host --gpus all --name lio_sam_6axis -v /home/kin/bag_data:/home/xchu/data/ramlab_dataset zhangkin/lio_sam_6axis /bin/zsh

# in the container
catkin build
source devel/setup.zsh

# with dataset download and linked ==> please see more usage in previous section
roslaunch lio_sam_6axis ouster128_indoors.launch

# 对于在内地的同学,可以换源`dockerhub`后,直接拉取:
docker pull zhangkin/lio_sam_6axis


The documentation for LIO_SAM_6AXIS can be found in the doc directory of the repository. It includes instructions on how to adapt the code for your own sensors and lidars.

Latest News(2024-04-25)

Here are the latest updates to LIO_SAM_6AXIS:

Dataset and Adaptation

LIO_SAM_6AXIS is compatible with a range of datasets and sensor setups. To help you get started, we have included a table that lists some of the datasets and sensors that have been tested with LIO_SAM_6AXIS.

DatasetDescriptionSensorsDownload LinksGround TruthComments
hkust_20201105fullimage-20221030035547512VLP-16, STIM300 IMU, left camera, normal GPSDropbox, BaiduNetdisk (password: m8g4)GT (password:123)About 10 km outdoor, see this doc
HILTI DATASET 2022imgHesai32 lidar, low-cost IMU, 5 Fisher Eye camerasDownloadThe config/params_pandar.yaml is prepared for the HILTI sensors kit
FusionPortable DATASETGardenOuster OS1-128, STIM300 IMU, stereo cameraDownloadGTIndoors. When you download this compressed data, remember to execute the following command: rosbag decompress 20220216_garden_day_ref_compressed.bag
Multimodal Datasetimage-20240426170824723MS1600DownloadMultimodal Dataset from Harsh Sub-Terranean Environment with Aerosol Particles for Frontier Exploration

Related Package

1. LIO-SAM-6AXIS-UrbanNav



We would like to thank TixiaoShan for creating the LIO_SAM project that served as the foundation for this work.


Our deep gratitude goes to pedrotomas27, Guoqing Zhang, Jianhao Jiao, Jin Wu, and Qingwen Zhang for their invaluable contributions to this project. A special mention goes to the LIO_SAM for laying the groundwork for our efforts. We also thank the open-source community, whose relentless pursuit of SLAM technology advancement has made this project possible.

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