

React credit card

React port of the display part of Card by @jessepollak


Card looks amazing on any form, but it interacts with the dom in a more classic javascript interface, which is incompatible with react.


How to install

How to use (Check the test index.cjsx for a better overview)

Card = require('react-credit-card')
    cvc = {myForm.props.cvc} 
    name = {myForm.props.name} 
    focused = {'name'}/> // The form turns around when focused is "cvc"

Available props

Missing features towards the intended goals

Planned improvements

Intentional deviations


It was developed on a local webserver so it doesn't come with any server tools. If someone wants to add a more fleshed out build/testing process (gulp/grunt/webpack) it's very much welcome.

Most of the credit goes to @jessepollak for creating and mantaining Card, I just ported it over.