

OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile All In One 2.2.8

For Android and iOS

<p> <b>Supports: Windows, Visual Studio 2019-2022, for Android and iOS Development </b><br/> <b>This project supports Android and iOS devices Android SDK 21 --> 34 and beyond, iOS 13.5 --> 17.2 and beyond</b> </p> <hr/> <p>For Visual Studio All In One (Android and iOS) Project Template: <a href="https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio">OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile 2.2.8 Visual Studio for Android and iOS</a></i></p> <p>For Visual Studio Android Only (Windows) Use this project: <a href="https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio_Android">OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile 2.2.8 for Android Visual Studio</a></i></p> <p>For Android Studio (Windows/Linux/MAC) Use this project: <a href="https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobile_AndroidStudio">OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile 2.2.8 for Android Studio</a></i></p> <p>For Xcode (MAC) Use this project: <a href="https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobile_Xcode">OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile 2.2.8 for Xcode</a></i></p> <hr/> <p> The <b><i>OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile Edition </i></b>is a feature-rich fork of the original <a href='https://github.com/OneLoneCoder/olcPixelGameEngine'> OLC Pixel Game Engine</a>. <br/> <ul> <li> <b>Community Interest:</b><br/> The mobile edition has garnered attention from programmers who want to create games for Android and iOS platforms.<br/> It’s actively maintained and developed by contributors. </li> <li> <b>Cross-Platform Support:</b><br/> The mobile edition extends the original engine to support Android and iOS.<br/> Developers can create games that run on both desktop and mobile devices. </li> <li> <b>Extensions and Features:</b><br/> The mobile edition includes additional features like mobile input handling, sound, and hardware interfaces.<br/> The mobile edition is built on SIMD/NEON advance vectorizations to ensure the fastest engine to pixel generation.<br/> It’s a versatile tool for prototyping, education, mobile game development and algorithm visualization for both Android and iOS devices. </li> <li> <b>Growing User Base:</b><br/> While not as widely known as the original, it’s steadily gaining popularity.<br/> Developers appreciate its simplicity and flexibility. </li> </ul><br/> <i>Remember that both versions—original and mobile—are valuable tools for game development and learning. If you’re interested in mobile game development, give the mobile edition a try! 🚀🎮</i> </p> <hr/> <p><b><i>!!SHOUT OUTS!!</i></b><br/><br/> <b><i>THANK YOU</i></b> to <a href='https://github.com/vitoralmeidasilva'>@VasCoder</a> without your testing this would not have been possible!<br/> <b><i>THANK YOU</i></b> to <a href='https://github.com/baderouaich/'>@baderouaich</a> for fixing the bug with OnUserDestroy()!<br/> <b><i>THANK YOU</i></b> to <a href='https://github.com/Moros1138'>@Moros1138</a> for <a href='https://pgetinker.com/'>PGETinker</a> Check it out folks!!!<br/> <b><i>THANK YOU</i></b> to <a href='https://github.com/OneLoneCode'>@Javidx9</a> for... well everything!<br/> </p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobile_Xcode/assets/96908304/6545fc21-d300-42d2-99ea-428980669fd4' /></p> <hr/> <p><b><i>WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK PLEASE</i></b></p> <hr/> <p><i><b>Thank you for cloning the OLC Pixel Game Engine 2.0 Mobile.</b><br/><br/> A tremendous amount of work went into getting this engine to work smoothy with Android and iOS so you can create amazing games.<br/> We can see that this repro gets an <b>unbelievable number of unique clones</b>, therefore we want to hear from you!<br/> Please come visit me and all the volunteers at One Lone Coder and join our community. <ul> <li>Discord: <a href="https://discord.com/invite/WhwHUMV">One Lone Coder</a></li> <li>YouTube: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/javidx9">One Lone Coder</a> </li> <li>Twitch: <a href="https://www.twitch.tv/javidx9">One Lone Coder</a></li> <li>Website: <a href="https://community.onelonecoder.com/">www.onelonecoder.com</a></li> <li>PGETinker: <a href="https://pgetinker.com/">PGETinker.com</a> </li> </ul> <br/> Kind regards<br/> <br/> John (aka Johnnyg63) </i></p> <hr/> <p><b><i>!!! NOW WITH iOS SUPPORT!!!</i></b></p> <p><b><i>Anything you develop for PGE Mobile Android will work on the iOS</i></b><br/></p> <p><i>Visual Studio Android & iOS template project coming soon.</i></p> <p>NOTE: iOS Beta 2.2.8 does not yet support sensors<br/> <br/> If you wish to deploy to an iOS device (iPhone or iPad) you will need access to an Apple Mac Computer and an iPhone. <br/> Please follow these steps on how to setup your Mac xCode to work with Visual Studio: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cross-platform/install-and-configure-tools-to-build-using-ios?view=msvc-170<br/> <br/> <i>I don't make the rulez about iOS... Apple does</i> <br/> <b><i>...however anything you create to work on PGE Mobile Android will work on the PGE Mobile iOS</i></b> </p> <hr/> <p><i>Please see installation steps for Windows Visual Studio towards the bottom of this page</i> </p> <hr/> <p><b><i>!!! IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!</i></b></p> <p>There was a step missing from the below instructions, I did not know until today that folks where having issues with the template<br/> Please reach out to us on Discord: <a href="https://discord.com/invite/WhwHUMV">One Lone Coder</a> if every you are having issues. <br/> <br/> <i>You must accept the Android Terms and Conditions in order to use OLC PGE Mobile STEP 6 Below:</i> <ul> <li><b><i>Windows</i></b> </li> <li>Open Command Prompt in Administrator Mode</li> <li>setx -m JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17"</li> <li>Navigate to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\cmdline-tools\11.0\bin" </li> <li>Enter: "sdkmanager.bat --update" </li> <li>Accept: "Y" </li> <li><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/assets/96908304/680faaa3-8123-479b-ba15-18f3a8aeae88'</li> <li><b><i>Linux, MacOS</i></b> </li> <li>Navigate to: "sdk/tools/bin" </li> <li>Enter: "sudo ./sdkmanager --licenses" </li> <li>Accept: "Y" </li> </ul> </p> <hr/> <p><b><i>!!! Known Issues !!!</i></b></p> <p>If you see a Segmentation Fault at the start of debugging (can occur up to 4 times, Visual Studio 2019/2022) just click Continue, I am working on this at the moment.</p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/assets/96908304/eea76342-054c-4593-a6fb-2a6f213ec735' /> </p> <hr/> <p><b><i>!!! Visual Studio Installation !!!</i></b></p> <p>For Android Studio (Windows/Linux/MAC) project can be found here: <a href="https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileAndroidStudio">OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile 2.2.8 for Android Studio</p> <p>1: Launch Visual Studio 2022 Installer</p> <!--Thanks @Pirate Voxel --> <p>2: Click Modify</p> <p>3: Install Mobile Development with C++ </p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileAndroidProjectBeta20/assets/96908304/5812774f-54fa-4875-90ec-4f2e2d7a9899' /> </p> <p>5: Install Java 17: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#java17</p> <p>6:<b>Accept Android Terms and condidtions: </b> <br/> <ul> <li><b><i>Windows</i></b> </li> <li>Open Command Prompt in Administrator Mode</li> <li>setx -m JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17"</li> <li>Navigate to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\cmdline-tools\11.0\bin" </li> <li>Enter: "sdkmanager.bat --update" </li> <li>Accept: "Y" </li> <li><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/assets/96908304/680faaa3-8123-479b-ba15-18f3a8aeae88'</li> <li><b><i>Linux, MacOS</i></b> </li> <li>Navigate to: "sdk/tools/bin" </li> <li>Enter: "sudo ./sdkmanager --licenses" </li> <li>Accept: "Y" </li> </ul> </p> <p>7: Open Visual Studio -->Tools-->Options-->Cross Platform. Update your SDK, NDK and Java Path as shown</p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileAndroidProjectBeta20/assets/96908304/77f70549-0d99-4f1e-9415-42fda6a99b20' /></p> <p>8: Copy the <a href="https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/blob/master/OLCPGEMobileAllInOne228.zip">OLCPGEMobileAllInOne228.zip</a> to your Projects Templates folder. Example: C:\Users\<i>your username</i>\OneDrive\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ProjectTemplates</p> <p><<img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/assets/96908304/478c0f85-b19d-4445-ae8c-1a6dda368b07' /> /></p> <p>9: Put your Android phone into <a href="https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options#enable"> Development Mode</a> and enable <a href="https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options#Enable-debugging">USB Debugging.</a></p> <!--Thanks @Pirate Voxel --> <p>10: Run Visual Studio 2022 in Admin Mode</p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileAndroidProjectBeta20/assets/96908304/daa5e9a6-309c-4b48-be44-c897ff54b6b2' /></p> <p>11: Select Create Project</p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileAndroidProjectBeta20/assets/96908304/c720f822-4e62-417c-8322-b38f8f102059' /></p> <p>12: Select OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile All In One 2.2.8</p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/assets/96908304/176af613-a4a2-48fa-bf9f-78da7545d2d3' /></p> <p>13: Give your game a cool name. <b>NO SPACES</b> Do not start your project with a number: i.e. 3DShapes, 4Runner</p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/assets/96908304/c8508e18-abbd-40d5-96b0-b460e2bb6d48' /></p> <p>Please Note: Keep in mind that you need see your device name appear near the solution configuration, if not, it may not build</p> <p><img src='https://github.com/ZikriBen/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/assets/57237262/a6d9f14f-d39c-4b82-b837-6d7c53c35097' /></p> <p>14: First time build: <br/> The first time you create a project from the template it may take several minutes to build.<br/> This happens because the template needs to download/update all the files you need in order for the PGE Mobile to be successful <br/> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileVisualStudio/assets/96908304/53d26371-cd8f-47ca-babc-b914d6bf5973' /></p> </p> </p> <p>15: Connect your phone and rebuild the solution, enjoy OLC Pixel Game Engine Mobile 2.0!</p> <p><img src='https://github.com/Johnnyg63/OLCPGEMobileAndroidProjectBeta20/assets/96908304/b5e9e72e-73cf-4fe1-ba66-7df31790fce9' /></p> <p>16: <b>For iOS Setup please follow this steps here: <a href='https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cross-platform/install-and-configure-tools-to-build-using-ios?view=msvc-170'>Teach me</a></b> </p> <hr/> <p><b><i>!!! Release 2.2.8 Support Details !!!</i></b></p> <p> <ul> <li>2.01: BETA Port code from olcPixelGameEngine.h to olcPixelGameEngine_mobile.h. Thanks @Javidx9</li> <li>2.02: Corrected support for X86</li> <li>2.03: Update EventManager to handle, Touch, Mouse and Keyboard events</li> <li>2.04: Corrected Touch offset, added 1 touch point, unlinked Mouse & Touch Events</li> <li>2.05: Sensors Support added</li> <li>2.06: Multi Touch Support</li> <li>2.06a: Added basic mouse support for Android Emulator</li> <li>2.07: Updated SIMD_SSE for Intel Atom devices, Updated GetTouch() to default to touch point zero</li> <li>2.07a: Corrected two small bugs in main.cpp</li> <li>2.08: Added ClearTouchPoints(int8_t startIndex = 0) for clearing of touch points at index x, some bug fixes too<br/> <i>Added Demos folder with some demos. Just Copy and Paste the code into main.cpp</i></li> <li>2.09: Added Demos folder with some demos <br/> Added: FileManager: for gaining acccess to the Android Assets APK and iOS Zip Packages <br/> app_LoadFileFromAssets() <br/> app_ExtractFileFromAssets() <br/> app_GetInternalAppStorage() <br/> app_GetExternalAppStorage() <br/> app_GetPublicAppStorage() <br/> SmartPtr filehandler <br/> LoadFileFromAssets() <br/> ExtractFileFromAssets() <br/> GetInternalAppStorage() <br/> GetExternalAppStorage() <br/> GetPublicAppStorage() </li> <li>2.10: Removed ASensor_getHandle() as it only supports SDK 29 and higher. Updated project to support SDK 21 to SDK32, Thank you @VasCoder</li> <li>2.11: Corrected offset error bug in Drawline,<br/> Added release config to build.gradle.template. Please see: <a href="https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing">https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing"</a> and<br/> Please see: <a href="https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing">https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9081877/how-do-i-debug-an-apk-that-is-signed-for-release</a> for more info<br/><b>NOTE: You cannot debug or deploy a release app unless you have a signing key (Android Developer Account)</b></li> <li>2.20 <b>Pre-Release!</b> Can now be used in Production Environment, have fun! <br/> Android Keyboard mapping completed for GetKey() <br/>Note if using a MacOS, Linux or Windows for debugging, some keys may not map correctly, directionally keys will be out of sync as Android is mapped to a Direction Pad by default</li> <li>2.21 <b>Full Production Release</b> </li> <li>2.22 Better support for the latest Android phones<br/> The Engine will now detect the correct OpenGLES setting for your Android phone and apply the correct settings</li> <li>2.23 Now with Sound, supports olcPGE_MiniAudio <a href="https://github.com/Moros1138/olcPGEX_MiniAudio/">https://github.com/Moros1138/olcPGEX_MiniAudio/</a> thanks @Moros1138 <br/>Updated EventManager::HandleInput to ensure Volume UP/Down/Mute, Camera and Power Buttons are released back to the OS after execution</li> <li>2.24 iOS Beta support. Sensors not supported. Anything you develop for Android will work on the iOS</li> <li>2.25 Corrected Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault, forgot to take (subtract) the </li> <li>2.26 Updated olc_Configure to set OGLES_20 to use SDK 26->33. A big thanks you to @VasCoder for all his testing!!!!</li> <li>2.27 Removed mutexTouchPoints from main engine thread, the engine will run as fast as possiable now!!! </li> <li>2.28 Correct onUserDestroy so that it is not called every frame. A Big thank you to <a href='https://github.com/baderouaich/'>@baderouaich</a>. <br/>Added OnLowMemoryWarning() </li> </ul> </p>