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Welcome to CGOperators, a small Swift framework that enables you to easily manipulate Core Graphics' vector types (CGPoint, CGSize and CGVector) using math operators. It can help you write compact, yet highly readable code when dealing with things like image sizes and frame-based layouts.


Add two vectors

let point = view.frame.origin + CGPoint(x: 10, y: 20)
let size = image.size + view.frame.size
let vector = physicsWorld.gravity + player.size

Subtract two vectors

let point = view.frame.origin - CGPoint(x: 10, y: 20)
let size = image.size - view.frame.size
let vector = physicsWorld.gravity - player.size

Multiply a vector with a constant

view.frame.size = image.size * 4
button.frame.origin = superview.bounds.size * 2
physicsWorld.gravity = player.position * 10

Divide a vector by a constant

view.frame.size = image.size / 4
button.frame.origin = superview.bounds.size / 2
physicsWorld.gravity = player.position / 10


Using CocoaPods

Add pod CGOperators to your Podfile

Using Carthage

Add git "JohnSundell/CGOperators" to your Cartfile

Using the Swift Package Manager

Add Package(url: "https://github.com/JohnSundell/CGOperators.git", majorVersion: 1) to your Package.swift file.

Using Marathon

Run marathon add https://github.com/JohnSundell/CGOperators.git on the command line.

Help, feedback or suggestions?