


Make multithreaded print debugging easier than ever with scala trace debug.

Provides human-friendly prints, traces, assertions, container printing, source code printing, and log output.

Table of Contents

<a name="Finding-log-statements"></a>

Finding your log statements:

Append Position

######^ Just add "Pos" ^

<a name="Getting-started"></a>

Getting started:

resolvers += "johnreed2 bintray" at "http://dl.bintray.com/content/johnreed2/maven"

libraryDependencies += "scala.trace" %% "scala-trace-debug" % "2.2.17"

Note: If you get:

NoClassDefFoundError: scala/reflect/runtime/package ... Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

Add: libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value


Java users need to add this dependency to the maven build. Copy-pasting the jar works too.

All the functions that a Java user can call are in here.

<a name="Video-Demo"></a>

Video Demo:


<a name="Java-Examples"></a>

Java Examples:

Java Screenshot

^ Note that all my stack traces are off by one. This only happens when the methods are called from Java. To get around this, specify "2" for last parameter (2 lines of stack trace). ^

If you just want to copy-paste, Java example is here.

Master Shutoff Switch (Java Capable):

If you set the environment variable ENABLE_TRACE_DEBUG to false, it will disable all printing and assertions. A system property may also be used. "The system property takes precedence over the environment variable". The preprocessor will also replace all calls to Log.find and Pos with an empty String at compile time.

Runtime Switches (Java Capable):

Debug.nonFatalAssertOn/Off() // assertNonFatal = check
Debug.setElementsPerRow() // For container printing

<a name="Scala-Examples"></a>

Scala Examples:

Without logger:


^ Note that this is an old screenshot. The import name was changed to scala.trace. ^

With logger:


^ The left side in parenthesis is the name of a variable; the right side (after "->") is the contents. ^

If you just want to copy-paste, Scala example is here.

<a name="Requirements"></a>


<a name="Instructions"></a>

Instructions (for IntelliJ IDE):

  1. Add the library dependency or grab the jar file from the target/scala-2.11 folder.

  2. import scala.trace._

  3. Place some calls to scala trace debug and click the green 'Debug' (Shift+F9) button and follow the stack traces in the console.

  4. Use the IntelliJ console arrows to navigate up and down the stack traces.

IntelliJ console

<a name="Logger-Incorporation"></a>

Logger Incorporation:

You can disable printing to standard out and standard error via Debug.disableEverything_!. Debug methods will still return a String that you can pass into a logger.

<a name="Bonus-Features"></a>

Container Printing:


^ Note the jar file name, scalatest_2.11, in the stack trace. ^

^ Container printing works for any Scala container. To pass in Java containers, import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ ^

Cheat Sheet / Examples:

Methods available through implicit conversion

Example functions (old): http://pastebin.com/2e1JN1De

^ For more examples, see Main.scala, which you can run with sbt test:run

Method Chaining:

Add-on methods available through implicit conversion return the object they were called upon so that you can use them inside an expression or chain them together.

import scala.trace.implicitlyTraceable
val foo = true
if( foo.trace ) { ... }

import scala.trace.implicitlyPrintable
val foobar = "foo".trace().concat("bar").println() // Chaining.

More features:

Desugared macro expression tracing:


######^ Useful if you have a line like "object method object param" and you can't find where the dot and parenthesis go ^

^ Note that this is an old screenshot. These macro methods now use SDebug (Scala Debug) instead of Debug. ^

Code tracing and assertions:


######^ Useful if you do not want to repeat the name of a variable in a print statement. ^

^ Note that this is an old screenshot. These macro methods now use SDebug (Scala Debug) instead of Debug. ^

Output formatting (beta):


######^ Useful if you have a giant "wall" of text in std output and you want to inset line breaks programatically. ^

Use in practice:

For use in practice, see this link

<a name="Performance"></a>


No overhead for no stack trace.

"foo".trace(0) // no call to Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace()

Note that calls to Log.find are faster than calls to Debug.trace, but Log.find is limited to one line.

Code layout:

Currently all the actual printing is done in Printer.scala, all the implicit conversions are in package.scala, and all the calls to the "Debug" object are in Debug.scala

Links (Old):

See ScalaDoc in source code for in detail documentation.

See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36194905/how-can-we-trace-expressions-print-statements-with-line-numbers-in-scala/36194986#36194986


Old version of this library: https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/4aeqvh/debug_trace_library_needs_users_review/

Less old version of this library: https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/4fap0r/making_debugging_easier/