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This repo contains the source I use to automatically generate my curriculum vitae as a webpage and PDF from YAML and BibTeX input.

generate.py reads from cv.yaml and publications and outputs LaTeX and Markdown by using Jinja templates.

Building and running

This requires a Python 3 installation, and the hashbang of generate.py assumes an executable named python3 is available on the path. Dependencies are included in requirements.txt and can be installed using pip with pip3 install -r requirements.txt. On Mac or Linux, make will call generate.py and build the LaTeX documents with latexmk and biber.

The Makefile will also:

  1. Stage to my website with make stage,
  2. Start a local jekyll server of my website with updated documents with make jekyll, and
  3. Push updated documents to my website with make push.

What to modify

Change the content in cv.yaml. You should also look through the template files to make sure there isn't any special-case code that needs to be modified. The Makefile can also start a Jekyll server and push the new documents to another repository. To use the Jekyll integration, review the BLOG_DIR variable and the jekyll and push targets.


  1. Strings in cv.yaml should be LaTeX (though, the actual LaTeX formatting should be in the left in the templates as much as possible).
  2. If you do include any new LaTeX commands, make sure that one of the REPLACEMENTS in generate.py converts them properly.
  3. The LaTeX templates use modified Jinja delimiters to avoid overlaps with normal LaTeX. See generate.py for details.


All publications are stored as BibTeX in publications. The entries can be obtained from Google Scholar. The order in the BibTeX file will be the order in the output files.

BibTeX is built for integration with LaTeX, but producing Markdown is not traditionally done from BibTeX files. This repository uses BibtexParser to load the bibliography into a map. The data is manually formatted to mimic the LaTeX IEEE bibliography style.


This work is distributed under the MIT license (LICENSE-bamos.mit) with portions copyright Ellis Michael from emichael/resume. Ellis' portions are also distributed under the MIT license (LICENSE-emichael.mit) and include a re-write of generate.py and template restructuring.

Similar Projects

There are many approaches to managing a resume or CV in git, and this project uses unique Markdown and LaTeX templates. The following list shows a short sampling of projects, and I'm happy to merge pull requests of other projects.

<!-- To generate the following list, install https://github.com/jacquev6/PyGithub and download the `github-repo-summary.py` script from https://github.com/bamos/python-scripts/blob/master/python3/github-repo-summary.py. Please add projects to the list in the comment and in the table below. github-repo-summary.py \ ajn123/CV \ cies/resume \ divad12/resume \ emichael/resume \ icco/Resume \ jsonresume/resume-schema \ kaeluka/cv \ masasin/resume \ mwhite/resume \ prat0318/json_resume \ qutebits/resume_42 \ raphink/CV \ sc932/resume \ terro/CV \ there4/markdown-resume \ zellux/resume \ Maples7/barn -->
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