

Heads-up: The code in this repo is functional, reliable, but also, well... ugly. Today I would probably not write this kind of code anymore. So, proceed at your own risk!


BoxTE is a box embedding model for temporal knowledge graph completion (TKGC), developed by Ralph Abboud, Ismail Ilkan Ceylan, and myself. It achieves state-of-the art performance on multiple TKGC benchmarks, while being fully expressive, inherently interpretable, and capturing various logical inference patterns. Get the AAAI paper here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08970

This repository contains the source code for the BoxTE embedding model and additionally contains scripts for training and testing, as well TKGC datasets.


Running BoxTE

To train the BoxTE model, run main.py and specify the required arguments --train_path, --test_path and --valid_path to select a dataset. The flag -h can be used to obtain a description of all available settings: python main.py -h. Using these, different hyperparameter-settings and model variants can be selected.

To perform a test on saved/pretrained model parameters, run main.py, specify --load_params_path and set --num_epochs=0.

Reproducing results

We provide hyperparameter-files that contain the settings used to obtain best results on each dataset. To run experiments with these settings, execute the following commands from within the repository:

python main.py @path/to/repo/modelargs/icews14

python main.py @path/to/repo/modelargs/icews5-15

python main.py @path/to/repo/modelargs/gdelt

To reproduce the results in a setting with a limited number of model parameters, run:

python main.py @path/to/repo/modelargs/icews14-lowdim

python main.py @path/to/repo/modelargs/icews5-15-lowdim

python main.py @path/to/repo/modelargs/gdelt-lowdim