


A cli written in Go inspired by cloc to count the lines, blank lines and comment lines of source code.


You can install from the stable release by clicking here


Basic example

$ gcloc .
  Language | Files | Lines | Blank lines | Comments | Code lines
  Golang   |    26 |  1588 |         253 |       12 |       1323
  HTML     |     2 |   576 |          82 |       16 |        478
  YAML     |     4 |   108 |           8 |        0 |        100
  Makefile |     1 |    22 |           3 |        0 |         19
   Total   |  33   | 2294  |     346     |    28    |    1920

Excluding directories

$ gcloc jazzy-bot -e=node_modules --order-by-comment
   Language  | Files | Lines | Blank lines | Comments | Code lines
  YAML       |     1 |    55 |           8 |        2 |         45
  JavaScript |    26 |  1181 |           0 |        0 |       1181
  TypeScript |    24 |  1180 |         189 |        0 |        991
    Total    |  51   | 2416  |     197     |    2     |    2217

From git remote repository

$ gcloc github.com/JoaoDanielRufino/gcloc
  Language | Files | Lines | Blank lines | Comments | Code lines
  Golang   |    32 |  3086 |         310 |       12 |       2764
  HTML     |     1 |   167 |          14 |       16 |        137
  YAML     |     4 |   110 |           8 |        0 |        102
  Makefile |     1 |    22 |           3 |        0 |         19
   Total   |  38   | 3385  |     335     |    28    |    3022

Compressed files

Supported archive formats from go-getter

$ gcloc ~/Documents/gcloc.tar.gz
  Language | Files | Lines | Blank lines | Comments | Code lines
  Golang   |    32 |  3086 |         310 |       12 |       2764
  HTML     |     1 |   167 |          14 |       16 |        137
  YAML     |     4 |   110 |           8 |        0 |        102
  Makefile |     1 |    22 |           3 |        0 |         19
   Total   |  38   | 3385  |     335     |    28    |    3022

Exporting results

$ gcloc github.com/JoaoDanielRufino/gcloc --report-formats=prompt,json
   Language  | Files | Lines | Blank lines | Comments | Code lines
  Golang     |    34 |  3591 |         364 |       12 |       3215
  Markdown   |     1 |   169 |          25 |        0 |        144
  HTML       |     1 |   167 |          14 |       16 |        137
  YAML       |     4 |   110 |           8 |        0 |        102
  Json       |     1 |    20 |           0 |        0 |         20
  Makefile   |     1 |    22 |           3 |        0 |         19
  Plain Text |     1 |     1 |           0 |        0 |          1
    Total    |  43   | 4080  |     414     |    28    |    3638
json report exported to /home/joaodaniel/Documents/gcloc/cmd/gcloc/result.json

GitHub Actions integration

name: GCloc

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run GCloc
        run: docker run -t -v $PWD:/gcloc joaodanielrufino/gcloc /gcloc --report-formats=prompt,json -o /gcloc
      - name: Archive gcloc result
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: gcloc-result
          path: result.json

Via Docker

From dockerhub

docker run --rm -t -v $PWD:/gcloc joaodanielrufino/gcloc /gcloc


$ gcloc -h
GCloc is a simple tool to count lines of code of many programming languages

  gcloc [flags]
  gcloc [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  languages   Show gcloc supported languages

      --by-file                      Show results by file
  -e, --exclude strings              Exclude directories or files from being scanned
      --exclude-extensions strings   Exclude extensions from being scanned
  -h, --help                         help for gcloc
      --include-extensions strings   Include the extensions to be scanned
      --order string                 Sorting order <ASC,DESC> (default "DESC")
      --order-by-blank               Show results ordered by blank lines
      --order-by-code                Show results ordered by lines of code
      --order-by-comment             Show results ordered by comments
      --order-by-file                Show results ordered by file count
      --order-by-lang                Show results ordered by language
      --order-by-line                Show results ordered by lines count
      --output-name string           Name of report output (default "result")
  -o, --output-path string           Path where the report will be exported
      --report-formats strings       Report formats in which the results will be exported (prompt, json) (default [prompt])
  -v, --version                      version for gcloc

Use "gcloc [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Supported languages

To show all supported languages use the subcommand languages

$ gcloc languages
      Language     |   Extensions   | Single Comments | Multi Line Comments
  ActionScript     |  .as           |  //             |  /* */
  Assembly         |  .asm          |  // ; # @ | !   |  /* */
  Bash             |  .bash .sh     |  #              |
  C Header         |  .h            |  //             |  /* */
  C#               |  .cs           |  //             |  /* */
  C++              |  .cpp .cc      |  //             |  /* */
  C++ Header       |  .hh .hpp      |  //             |  /* */
  COBOL            |  .cbl          |  * /            |
  CSS              |  .css          |  //             |  /* */
  Clojure          |  .clj          |  ; ;; #_        |
  CoffeeScript     |  .coffee       |  #              |  ### ###
  Dart             |  .dart         |  // ///         |  /* */
  Elixir           |  .ex .exs      |  #              |
  Erlang           |  .erl          |  % %%           |
  Haskell          |  .hs           |  --             |
  Java             |  .java         |  //             |  /* */
  JavaScript       |  .js .jsx      |  //             |  /* */
  Json             |  .json         |                 |
  Jupyter Notebook |  .ipynb        |  #              |
  Kotlin           |  .kt .kts      |  //             |  /* */
  Lisp             |  .lsp .lisp    |  ;              |
  Lua              |  .lua          |  --             |  --[[ ]]
  Makefile         |  Makefile      |  #              |
  Markdown         |  .md .markdown |                 |
  Maven            |  .maven        |  <!--           |  <!-- -->
  PHP              |  .php          |  // #           |  /* */
  Perl             |  .pl           |  #              |  = =cut
  Plain Text       |  .txt .text    |                 |
  PowerShell       |  .ps1          |  #              |
  Processing       |  .pde          |  //             |  /* */
  Protocol Buffers |  .proto        |  //             |
  PRQL             |  .prql         |  #              |
  Python           |  .py           |  #              |  """ """
  R                |  .r .R         |  #              |
  Rego             |  .rego         |  #              |
  Ruby             |  .rb           |  #              |  =begin =end
  Rust             |  .rs           |  //             |  /* */
  SQL              |  .sql          |  --             |  /* */
  Scala            |  .scala        |  //             |  /* */
  Scss             |  .scss         |  //             |  /* */
  Swift            |  .swift        |  //             |  /* */
  TypeScript       |  .ts .tsx      |  //             |  /* */
  Vim              |  .vim          |  "              |
  Vue              |  .vue          |  <!--           |  <!-- -->
  XML              |  .xml .XML     |  <!--           |  <!-- -->
  YAML             |  .yaml .yml    |  #              |
  Zsh              |  .zsh          |  #              |