


Jauth is a lightweight SSL/TLS reverse proxy with authorization. Great for protect your self-hosted applications. Moreover, it offers SSO for simpler login management.



Getting Started

  1. Download the latest release:
wget https://github.com/Jipok/Jauth/releases/latest/download/jauth
  1. Make executable:
chmod +x ./jauth
  1. Run ./jauth

Without the configuration, there will be the following behavior:


By default, the server tries to open the ./jauth.toml file. You can specify any path/name as the first command line argument.

Simple but useful config example

# Use Let's Encrypt
Certificate.Type = "autocert"
SSO = "g.jipok.undo.it"
    # Telegram Nick or ID = Login for services behind jauth
    # ID is a safe way because it never changes
    354339153 = "Jipok"
    # But using a username is more convenient. Need to add @
    "@Jipok" = "Jipok"
    # Username on right can be omitted, so telegram one will be used
    "@Jipok" = ""
    87654321 = "Other User"
    "@SomeFriend" = "Friend1"
[[Domains]] # Paperless NGX
    domain = "p.jipok.undo.it"
    target = "8080" # Will be ``
[[Domains]] # Grist
    domain = "g.jipok.undo.it"
    # You can redirect to any domain/ip
    target = "not.localhost:8081"
    # Some applications use e-mail for identification. Add suffix to all logins:
    UserSuffix = "@local"
    # By default every user has access to every domain. Restrict access:
    Whitelist = ["Jipok", "Friend1"]
    WidgetBotName = "JipokSelfHosted_bot"


Full configuration example

# A more detailed SSH configuration is provided below
SSH.Enabled = false # Default true
# Used if target not specifies in some [[Domains]] section
# And for direct access via IP address in manual or self-signed mode
DefaultTarget = "8080"
# If true, will filter spam to stdout from http/https servers.
# Messages like`http: TLS handshake error ...` occur due to
# bots/crawlers checking all public addresses.
FilterSpam = true
# If true will drop privileges if started from root. 
# Will not be able to save state(tokens) between restarts.
DropPrivileges = false 
# Interface to listen(for ssh, http, https servers)
Listen = ""
HttpsPort = "443"
# Start server on 80 port that will redirect all to 443 port
RedirectHTTP = true
# Time (in hours) after which an inactive session will be logged out.
MaxNonActiveTime = 30
# URL for log out
LogoutURL = "/jauth-logout"
# The page that is given for authorization. You can download index.html from
# the repository and modify the design, then specify this file.
# If empty, the built-in default is used.
CustomPage = ""
# Single Sing-On. It's really just the default value for the LoginFrom option
# on every domain. See its description below.
SSO = ""

    Enabled = true
    Port = "2222"
    ServerKey = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
    AuthorizedKeys = "~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
    # Type can be:
    #   autocert - use Let's Encrypt
    #   self-signed - autogenerate
    #   manual - specify certificate. Example:
    Type = "manual" # Default self-signed
	Cert = "some-cert.crt" # Default "self-signed.crt"
	Key = "some-cert.key" # Default "self-signed.key"
    # Used by Let's Encrypt to notify about problems with issued certificates
    Email = ""

    # Must not be empty
    domain = ""
    # If empty, will use DefaultTarget option 
    target = ""
    # Some applications use e-mail for identification
    UserSuffix = ""
    # If empty, then the telegram login widget will be hidden
    WidgetBotName = ""
    WidgetBotToken = ""
    # This is the domain to which user will be redirected for authorization.
    # In addition to Single Sing-On function, it is also necessary in order
    # not to produce a lot of telegram bots, since telegrams are allowed to
    # log in through the bot on only one domain. An empty value means that
    # the current domain will be used.
    LoginFrom = ""
    # If true, authorization will be disabled. Jauth will act as ssl-proxy
    NoAuth = false
    # List of users who will be allowed to use site. 
    # The rest will get NotInWhitelist.html
    # If empty, then defaults TelegramUsers+Authorized_keys and values bellow will be used
    Whitelist = []
    # Same format as for SSH.AuthorizedKeys, but this ones will be added only to this domain whitelist
    AuthorizedKeys = ""
    # Same format as for default TelegramUsers, but this ones will be added only to this domain whitelist
    TelegramUsers = {"@PerDomainUser" = ""}

Thanks to


I prefer minimalism. If there is a feature you want to add, let's discuss it first before implementing the code. I'm open to changing my opinion, but I am generally satisfied with things as they are.