

<p align="center"> <font color=#008000>SAM-6D</font>: Segment Anything Model Meets Zero-Shot 6D Object Pose Estimation </p>

<p align="center"> Jiehong Lin, Lihua Liu, Dekun Lu, Kui Jia</p>

<p align="center">CVPR 2024 </p>

<p align="center">[Paper] </p>

<p align="center"> <img width="100%" src="https://github.com/JiehongLin/SAM-6D/blob/main/pics/vis.gif"/> </p>


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In this work, we employ Segment Anything Model as an advanced starting point for zero-shot 6D object pose estimation from RGB-D images, and propose a novel framework, named SAM-6D, which utilizes the following two dedicated sub-networks to realize the focused task:

<p align="center"> <img width="50%" src="https://github.com/JiehongLin/SAM-6D/blob/main/pics/overview_sam_6d.png"/> </p>

Getting Started

1. Preparation

Please clone the repository locally:

git clone https://github.com/JiehongLin/SAM-6D.git

Install the environment and download the model checkpoints:

cd SAM-6D
sh prepare.sh

We also provide a docker image for convenience.

2. Evaluation on the custom data

# set the paths
export CAD_PATH=Data/Example/obj_000005.ply    # path to a given cad model(mm)
export RGB_PATH=Data/Example/rgb.png           # path to a given RGB image
export DEPTH_PATH=Data/Example/depth.png       # path to a given depth map(mm)
export CAMERA_PATH=Data/Example/camera.json    # path to given camera intrinsics
export OUTPUT_DIR=Data/Example/outputs         # path to a pre-defined file for saving results

# run inference
cd SAM-6D
sh demo.sh


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

title={SAM-6D: Segment Anything Model Meets Zero-Shot 6D Object Pose Estimation},
author={Lin, Jiehong and Liu, Lihua and Lu, Dekun and Jia, Kui},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.15707},


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the authors.

Jiehong Lin: mortimer.jh.lin@gmail.com

Lihua Liu: lihualiu.scut@gmail.com

Dekun Lu: derkunlu@gmail.com

Kui Jia: kuijia@gmail.com