

Slimmable Networks

version pytorch license

An open source framework for slimmable training on tasks of ImageNet classification and COCO detection, which has enabled numerous projects. <sup>1, 2, 3</sup>

<strong id="snets">1. Slimmable Neural Networks</strong> <sub> ICLR 2019 Paper | OpenReview | Detection | Model Zoo</sub>

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22609465/50390872-1b3fb600-0702-11e9-8034-d0f41825d775.png" width=95%/>

Illustration of slimmable neural networks. The same model can run at different widths (number of active channels), permitting instant and adaptive accuracy-efficiency trade-offs.


<strong id="usnets">2. Universally Slimmable Networks and Improved Training Techniques</strong> <sub> ICCV 2019 Paper | Model Zoo</sub>

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22609465/54562571-45b5ae00-4995-11e9-8984-49e32d07e325.png" width=60%/>

Illustration of universally slimmable networks. The same model can run at arbitrary widths.

<strong id="autoslim">3. AutoSlim: Towards One-Shot Architecture Search for Channel Numbers</strong> <sub> NeurIPS 2019 Workshop Paper | Model Zoo</sub>

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22609465/54886763-93309000-4e59-11e9-963a-c15bf49af3c0.gif" width=25%/><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22609465/54886764-9592ea00-4e59-11e9-9541-924bbd9ff727.gif" width=25%/><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22609465/54886766-97f54400-4e59-11e9-81bb-3b262df7c898.gif" width=25%/><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22609465/54886768-9a579e00-4e59-11e9-9896-25e7eab7e2e0.gif" width=25%/>

AutoSlimming MobileNet v1, MobileNet v2, MNasNet and ResNet-50: the optimized number of channels under each computational budget (FLOPs).


  1. Requirements:
    • python3, pytorch 1.0, torchvision 0.2.1, pyyaml 3.13.
    • Prepare ImageNet-1k data following pytorch example.
  2. Training and Testing:
    • The codebase is a general ImageNet training framework using yaml config under apps dir, based on PyTorch.
    • To test, download pretrained models to logs dir and directly run command.
    • To train, comment test_only and pretrained in config file. You will need to manage visible gpus by yourself.
    • Command: python train.py app:{apps/***.yml}. {apps/***.yml} is config file. Do not miss app: prefix.
    • Training and testing of MSCOCO benchmarks are released under branch detection.
  3. Still have questions?
    • If you still have questions, please search closed issues first. If the problem is not solved, please open a new.

Slimmable Model Zoo

Slimmable Neural Networks

ModelSwitches (Widths)Top-1 Err.FLOPsModel ID
S-MobileNet v11.00<br>0.75<br>0.50<br>0.2528.5<br>30.5<br>35.2<br>46.9569M<br>325M<br>150M<br>41Ma6285db
S-MobileNet v21.00<br>0.75<br>0.50<br>0.3529.5<br>31.1<br>35.6<br>40.3301M<br>209M<br>97M<br>59M0593ffd

Universally Slimmable Networks and Improved Training Techniques

ModelModel IDSpectrum
US‑MobileNet v113d5af2Width<br>MFLOPs<br>Top-1 Err.1.0<br>568 <br>28.2 0.975 <br>543 <br>28.3 0.95 <br>517 <br>28.4 0.925 <br>490 <br>28.7 0.9 <br>466 <br>28.7 0.875 <br>443 <br>29.1 0.85 <br>421 <br>29.4 0.825 <br>389 <br>29.7 0.8 <br>366 <br>30.2 0.775 <br>345 <br>30.3 0.75 <br>325 <br>30.5 0.725 <br>306 <br>30.9 0.7 <br>287 <br>31.2 0.675 <br>267 <br>31.7 0.65 <br>249 <br>32.2 0.625 <br>232 <br>32.5 0.6 <br>217 <br>33.2 0.575 <br>201 <br>33.7 0.55 <br>177 <br>34.4 0.525 <br>162 <br>35.0 0.5 <br>149 <br>35.8 0.475 <br>136 <br>36.5 0.45 <br>124 <br>37.3 0.425 <br>114 <br>38.1 0.4 <br>100 <br>39.0 0.375 <br>89 <br>40.0 0.35 <br>80 <br>41.0 0.325 <br>71 <br>41.9 0.3 <br>64 <br>42.7 0.275 <br>48 <br>44.2 0.25<br>41<br>44.3
US‑MobileNet v23880cadWidth<br>MFLOPs<br>Top-1 Err.1.0 <br>300 <br>28.5 0.975 <br>299 <br>28.5 0.95 <br>284 <br>28.8 0.925 <br>274 <br>28.9 0.9 <br>269 <br>29.1 0.875 <br>268 <br>29.1 0.85 <br>254 <br>29.4 0.825 <br>235 <br>29.9 0.8 <br>222 <br>30.0 0.775 <br>213 <br>30.2 0.75 <br>209 <br>30.4 0.725 <br>185 <br>30.7 0.7 <br>173 <br>31.1 0.675 <br>165 <br>31.4 0.65 <br>161 <br>31.7 0.625 <br>161 <br>31.7 0.6 <br>151 <br>32.4 0.575 <br>150 <br>32.4 0.55 <br>106 <br>34.4 0.525 <br>100 <br>34.6 0.5 <br>97 <br>34.9 0.475 <br>96 <br>35.1 0.45 <br>88 <br>35.8 0.425 <br>88 <br>35.8 0.4 <br>80 <br>36.6 0.375 <br>80 <br>36.7 0.35<br>59<br>37.7 

AutoSlim: Towards One-Shot Architecture Search for Channel Numbers

ModelTop-1 Err.FLOPsModel ID
AutoSlim-MobileNet v127.0<br>28.5<br>32.1572M<br>325M<br>150M9b0b1ab
AutoSlim-MobileNet v224.6<br>25.8<br>27.0505M<br>305M<br>207Ma24f1f2

Technical Details

Implementing slimmable networks and slimmable training is straightforward:


CC 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial International

The software is for educaitonal and academic research purpose only.