

DCL-DepthSynthesis (DCL)

Unpaired Depth Synthesis Using Differential Contrastive Learning

We provide our PyTorch implementation of our paper 'DCL: Differential Contrastive Learning for Geometry-Aware Depth Synthesis' (RA-L & ICRA 2022). By proposed differential contrastive learning, our method can generate geometry-preserved depth maps comparing to previous methods.

<img src="Imgs/DCL.jpg" width="800px"/>




Evaluation on depth synthesis

We provide our pre-trained checkpoints for depth synthesis and sampled some data for evaluation. The outputs can be found in ./DepthSynthesis/datasets/eval_outputs/

cd DepthSynthesis
python evaluation_demo.py

Evaluation on RGB synthesis

We provide our pre-trained checkpoints for Monet-to-photo translation and sampled some data for evaluation. The outputs can be found in ./DepthSynthesis/datasets/eval_outputs/

cd DepthSynthesis
python evaluation_demo.py --name monet2photo --dataset monet2photo --input_nc 3 --output_nc 3 --ngf 64 --ndf 64 --netG resnet_9blocks --normG instance --normD instance --zoom_out_scale 0 --eval_dir ./datasets/eval_monet/

Training on depth synthesis

  1. For depth enhancement, normal prediction and semantic segmentation tasks, download InteriorNet and ScanNet datasets. For poes estimation and grasping prediction tasks, download preprocessed LineMOD and GraspNet datasets.

  2. Extract depth and rgb frames from InteriorNet or ScanNet datasets.

  3. Start training InteriorNet to ScanNet.

    cd DepthSynthesis
    python train.py --dataset IN2SNdepthsynthesis --data_path_clean $your_path_to_interiornet --data_path_noise $your_path_to_scannet
  4. Render synthetic depth maps from preprocessed LineMOD and GraspNet datasets. Please refer to my repo ObjsDepthRender.

  5. Start training depth synthesis for preprocessed LineMOD dataset or GraspNet dataset.

    cd DepthSynthesis
    # train on preprocessed LineMOD
    python train.py --dataset LMdepthsynthesis --data_path_clean $your_path_to_synthetic_linemod --data_path_noise $your_path_to_linemod --is_crop True
    # train on GraspNet (Realsense camera)
    python train.py --dataset S2Rdepthsynthesis --data_path_clean $your_path_to_synthetic_graspnet --data_path_noise $your_path_to_graspnet

Training on RGB image translation

  1. Download datasets follow this.

  2. Start training

    cd DepthSynthesis
    python train.py --dataset $RGB_dataset(for example: horse2zebra) --data_path_image your_path_to_RGB_datasets --input_nc 3 --output_nc 3

Sampled Results

Depth synthesis

CycleGAN, CUT and Coupled are previous works.

<img src="Imgs/depth_synthesis.jpg" width="800px"/>

RGB image translation

<img src="Imgs/image_translation.png" width="800px"/>


If you find this useful for your research, please cite the following paper.

  title={DCL: Differential Contrastive Learning for Geometry-Aware Depth Synthesis},
  author={Shen, yuefan and Yang, Yanchao and Zheng, Youyi and Liu, C. Karen and Guibas, Leonidas J.},
  journal={Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat.},

Waiting for updating...


Our code is developed based on contrastive-unpaired-translation. We also thank Synchronized-BatchNorm-PyTorch for synchronized batchnorm implementation.