

team project

TeamCity SDK Maven plugin


(Almost) quickstart on developing a plugin is available here

General Info

This Maven plugin allows controlling a TeamCity instance from the command line. It will install a developed plugin if it is available.

The plugin works best when used with projects generated from maven archetype for TeamCity plugins.

If you have such a project, you can skip to plugin goals

Otherwise, make sure you have the proper plugin repository configured:


and add the plugin itself:

            <teamcityDir>/path/to/tc/distro</teamcityDir> <!-- optional -->

to the root pom.xml file and run

mvn package tc-sdk:start

You will get:

Plugin goals

The plugin adds the following goals:

Please note that TeamCity startup process is not instant and the stop command sent immediately after the start may not be processed properly.

Plugin settings

The plugin is highly configurable. See the list of options below, along with the default values. "User properties" are used to pass values from the command line (e.g., mvn tc-sdk:init -DteamcityVersion=10.0)