


StartDuck is a productivity app that generates activities based on user's choice of category and input hours. Full-stack web application built with React, React Router, Ant Design UI Framework for front-end, and Ruby on Rails for back-end, and PostgreSQL for database.

Final Product

Landing Page:

"Screenshot of StartDuck Landing Page"

Select Category Page:

"Screenshot of StartDuck Select Category Page"

Home Page:

"Screenshot of StartDuck Home Page"

Activity Page:

"Screenshot of StartDuck Activity Page"

Admin Category Page:

"Screenshot of StartDuck Admin Category Page"

Admin Activities Page:

"Screenshot of StartDuck Admin Activities Page"

Admin Activity Page:

"Screenshot of StartDuck Admin Activity Page"


  1. Open TWO terminals
  2. In one terminal, run bundle to install the dependencies.
  3. Run bin/rake db:setup to create the databases (called rails_project_development by default).
  4. Run bin/rails s to run the server.
  5. In the other terminal, cd into client.
  6. Run npm install.
  7. Run npm start
  8. Visit localhost:3000 in your browser.



Developed By: