

Sitecore TokenManager

TokenManager is a framework designed to allow any type of content to be dynamically injected into a RTE field.

Example Usages

Token Types

Automatically wired tokens

These tokens are designed primarily for developers. They're quick and easy to use, however are not configurable by authors.

Installing TokenManager

The Nuget package is recommended to use for installation. The package contains a config and a DLL. The Sitecore items are installed by an initialize process that unpacks an embedded sitecore package that contains the templates. This Sitecore package is then copied over to the data/packages folder, make sure that your IIS install has access to this folder.

Creating tokens


In any assembly loaded by the web container implement the abstract class AutoToken. here is an example of the simplest form of token.

public class DemoAutoToken : AutoToken
	// Tokens may choose between two forms of constructor:
	// 1) A parameterless constructor, like this:
	public DemoAutoToken() : base(collectionName: "Demo Collection", tokenIcon: "people/16x16/cubes_blue.png", tokenName:"Demo Token")

	// 2) For solutions that have ASP.NET MVC dependency injection set up (including Sitecore 8.2+ out of the box), you may constructor-inject dependencies if desired
	//    when using IoC, you must register the AutoToken class with your IoC container unless it supports ad-hoc object construction (MS DI, standard in 8.2, does not support this).
	//    Injection is performed using the MVC DependencyResolver, so it may be wired to a container of your choosing as well.
	public DemoAutoToken(IFooRepository foo, IBarService bar) : base(collectionName: "Demo Collection", tokenIcon: "people/16x16/cubes_blue.png", tokenName:"Demo Token")

	/// <summary>
	/// Returns the value for the token that is then injected into the RTE.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="extraData">The user defined data that was gathered when the author added the token to the RTE.</param>
	/// <returns>Token Value</returns>
	public override string Value(TokenDataCollection extraData)
		return "My Value";

You may also define a model to specify the extra data and to help strongly type your token. This method is recommended for code clarity and maintenance.

public class DemoAutoToken2 : AutoToken<DemoAutoToken2Model>
	//Make sure you have a parameterless constructor.
	public DemoAutoToken2() : base(collectionName: "Demo Collection 2", tokenIcon: "people/16x16/cubes_blue.png", tokenName:"Demo Token")
	/// <summary>
	/// Render the token value given your requested model.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="model">The model you are to use to build the token value.</param>
	/// <returns>Token Value</returns>
	public override string Render(DemoAutoToken2Model model)
		return model.MySecretValue;

With this being our decorated model.

	public class DemoAutoToken2Model
		//Indicates the user should be prompted to enter a string value when inserting this token.
		[TokenString(label: "Give us a string", placeholder: "Enter string here", required: true)]
		public string MySecretValue { get; set; }


This type is very similar to the AutoToken however it utilizes a cshtml view and model to render.

public class DemoViewToken : ViewAutoToken<DemoAutoToken2Model>
	//Make sure you have a parameterless constructor.
	public DemoViewToken() : base(collectionName: "Demo View Collection", tokenIcon: "people/16x16/cubes_blue.png", tokenName: "Demo View Token")
	/// <summary>
	/// Given the populated model, return the full cshtml path from the webroot.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="model">The populated model</param>
	/// <returns>full path to the cshtml file.</returns>
	public override string GetViewPath(DemoAutoToken2Model model)
		return "/views/DemoViewToken.cshtml";

Note that this is using the same model from the AutoToken example above. This is the cshtml file at /views/DemoViewToken.cshtml

@model TokenManager.DemoAutoToken2Model

Token Selection

After you have defined your tokens they will appear in the TokenManager dialog that is available in the RTE. TokenManager TokenButton

Optional token button

AutoTokens and ViewAutoTokens can have an RTE button automatically applied to inject that particular token without the dialog.

	/// <summary>
	/// Assign an RTE button for this token.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>TokenButton object used to render the button for this token.</returns>
	public override TokenButton TokenButton()
		return new TokenButton(name: "Insert a demo snippet", icon: "people/16x16/cubes_blue.png", sortOrder: 250);

TokenManager TokenButton

Limiting token scope

There are a few ways to limit what tokens are available in particular RTE contexts.

	public override bool IsCurrentContextValid(Item item = null)
		// Only available on items that's name start with bob;
		return item?.Name.StartsWith("bob") ?? false;

	public override IEnumerable<ID> ValidParents()
		// only available if in a subtree rooted at these items
		yield return new ID("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");

	public override IEnumerable<ID> ValidTemplates()
		// only available on items with this template
		yield return new ID("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");

Optional token appearance

You have a limited amount of control as to what the token looks like in the RTE. This is limited by the way the RTE works and how browsers re-arrange invalid markup.

For example if you try to use a div tag inside a p tag chrome will automatically re-arrange it. Normally this probably wouldn't cause horrible things to happen, however the modifications that chrome makes will end up being saved and very likely corrupt the token.

However if you stick to things that are symantically correct to go in a p tag you'll be fine. Additionally, in the example below it's outputting some text entered by the authors, This is dangerous too as content authors could attempt to write html and likewise break the token.

A good rule of thumb is to not use this feature unless there is a really great reason to.

	/// <summary>
	/// Modifies the default way the token is displayed in the RTE
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="model">The tokens model</param>
	/// <returns>Markup for the token for the RTE</returns>
	public override string TokenIdentifierText(DemoAutoToken2Model model)
		return $"<span style='color:red;font-size:large'>hey</span><span>now</span>{model.MySecretValue}";

TokenManager TokenButton

Token Parameters

There are a number of data types that are available for application to tokens. These end up prompting the user to enter a particular value when inserted into an RTE.

These Token Data types are applied to a model using attributes.
	[TokenString(label: "Give us a string",placeholder: "Enter string here", required: true)]
	public string MyString;

	[TokenInteger(label: "Give us an int", required: true)]
	public int MyInt;

	[TokenBoolean(label: "Give us a boolean")]
	public bool MyBoolean;

	[TokenId(label: "Give us an item", required: true)]
	public ID MyItem;

	[TokenDroplist(label: "Give us an option", required: true, options: new[] { "op1", "Option 1", "op2", "Option 2" })]
	public string MyDroplist;

	// Options will be the children of the item at the id given.  The value will be the item name, or the item id depending on the valueAsId boolean.
	[TokenDroplist(label: "Give us an option based on the sitecore items at this root", required: true, id:"{62BC5816-165B-413D-B8E7-692063D12374}", valueAsId:false)]
	public string MyDroplist2;

	[TokenGeneralLink(label: "Give us a link", required: true, root:"{110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}")]
	public string MyLink;

If not using a model based token, which you should, these are available as an override on the AutoToken class.

	/// <summary>
	/// Defines what extra data to collect from the user when the token was inserted into the RTE.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>List of token data types to collect from the user when the token was inserted into the RTE.</returns>
	public override IEnumerable<ITokenData> ExtraData()
		yield return new StringTokenData(label: "Give us a string", name:"mystring",  placeholder: "Enter string here", required: true);
		yield return new IntegerTokenData(label: "Give us an integer", name:"myint", required:true);
		yield return new BooleanTokenData(label: "Give us a boolean", name:"mybool");
		yield return new IdTokenData(label: "Give us a sitecore Item", name: "myitem", required:true, root: "{51C9E0EB-C6C8-45B0-A646-7B6E78C286B6}");
		yield return new DroplistTokenData(label: "Give us an option", name: "myoption", required:true, options: new []
			new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Option 1", "op1"), 
			new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Option 2", "op2")
		yield return new GeneralLinkTokenData(label: "Give us a link", name: "mylink", root: "{51C9E0EB-C6C8-45B0-A646-7B6E78C286B6}", required: true);

TokenManager TokenButton

Customize your model

By overriding the rendering method you can customize your model to pass to your view. This would be useful if some of the data for the token didn't come from content author input.

	public override string Render(DemoAutoToken2Model model)
		model.UserName = Sitecore.Context.User.Name;
		return base.Render(model);

Legacy Sitecore wired tokens

These tokens are designed primarily for authors. They take more development effort to set up, but allows the authors to maintain their own tokens.

In practice these tokens have not proven to be particularly useful, but they still exist for now. You can read more about them here

If you are using these tokens and don't want the TokenManager to delete and restore the RTE buttons on startup, simply protect the button items and the TokenManager won't recreate them.